Chapter 14

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The next day, Kirsten led them out of the forest, and into a city. Nobody in the group knew the name, but they went straight to the nearest market, and stocked up on food. At one point, Faye caught Jyri holding Lavina's hand, and rolled her eyes. It hadn't even been a full day. When she pointed this out to him, he made a speech about how she'd understand when she'd fall in love. After observing his ludicrous behavior, she hoped she never would.

Faye later made the mistake of mentioning the possibility of Lavina being part-nymph. Jyri got offended, and gave her highly-detailed account of the effects nymphs have on men, none of which he felt towards Lavina, and how dare she compare her to such vile creatures.

And now, the group wandered aimlessly, looking for someone in need of help. According to Kirsten, they'd been getting most of their money that way. Jyri made a loud comment about how the homeless should try that, instead of panhandling and stealing. Faye resisted an urge to slap him.

"Maybe fugitives should stand up and fight, instead of running away like cowards," Faye said in response. Jyri shot her a dirty look, while the rest of the group gave blank expressions and furrowed brows.

"That's a great idea," Lavina said with a smile. "We should overthrow King Lyon, and let all the magicals free."

Kirsten shushed her. "Not so loud."

For once, Jyri didn't voice agreement with her. "Sounds dangerous."

"But exciting." Lavina grinned.

"Too risky," Corvin said. "Being here is bad enough."

"Yes, it is." Faye narrowed her eyes at Jyri. But he interlocked his fingers with Lavina's, and they continued walking through town. Corvin, Kirsten, and Lavina each walked on foot, leading their horses by their bridles. It wasn't long before they came across a large, white building. A sign that read "Grand Oak Library" hung above a pair of double doors. Gasping, Jyri released his hold from Lavina's hand, and pointed to it.

"A library!"

Kirsten's face lit up. "I haven't seen one in ages."

"Me neither," Jyri said. Without waiting for another word, he raced up the steps, and into the building, Kirsten right behind him. Nerds, Faye thought, but she smiled. Corvin led his horse to the corral, along with Kirsten's horse, and Lavina tied hers down as well.

"Are you coming too?" Corvin asked Faye and Lavina, as he made a move towards the door.

Grunting, Faye flopped down on a bench. "Maybe later." She had longed for a break from Jyri's sickening behavior towards Lavina. And she hadn't had time to herself in awhile. She wasn't used to being around so many people at a time. Corvin walked up the steps, and Faye waited for Lavina to follow. But instead, Lavina sat next to her.

Faye's stomach lurched. Of all the people to stay behind, it had to be the culprit behind Jyri's sudden personality change. The last person she wanted to speak with. She gritted her teeth. "Don't you want to go inside, and be with your new boyfriend?"

Lavina raised her eyebrows. "Boyfriend?"

"You know. Jyri."

Lavina turned pink. "No, he's not. I mean... I don't know."

That certainly wasn't the response Faye expected. She furrowed her brow. "You don't like him?"

"I do, he's nice," Lavina said. "But I don't think I like him like that."

"You let him hold your hand though," Faye said. "And last night..."

Lavina looked down at her feet, cheeks flushed. "He's a charming man, really. It's sweet. Nothing at all like the boys back home."

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