Chapter 17

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Jyri spent most of the day in that room, and Faye gave him his space. They headed out after their morning breakfast. Lavina, Kirsten, and Corvin opted to stay with the group, as they enjoyed helping them. So Faye and Jyri struck out alone.

"If we hurry, we might make it to Wizard's Point by the end of the day," Jyri said, map in hand.

"We shouldn't rush it," Faye said.

"Do you want to spend another night freezing to death?"

"We have blankets now." The group had given them a warm blanket, which Jyri shoved into his pack. He had to transfer his clothes into Faye's to make room though.

Jyri glanced down at the map. "We're still closer to Milthum than I'd like. I see a detour we can take that will keep us farther away from that place, but it might take another day."

"Sounds safer to go the shorter way," Faye said. "I'd hate for them to come across us sleeping. And we'd get past them quicker."

"I doubt they'd find us at that point," Jyri said. "They're more likely to find us when we're going the short way." He winced as though exhausted from the mere thought of spending another day traversing through woods. "But I'd rather go the short way."

Faye agreed. "What side of the mountain do we want to be on?"

"According to what I read at the library, it doesn't seem to matter," Jyri said. "There's a cave entrance on both sides. You can travel through the mountain from Vustaria to Dorendi."

"It's true then?"

Jyri tucked a lock of hair behind his ear. "Theorized."

"What if it is just a myth?"

"Then we start a new life in Dorendi." Jyri looked down at her, grinning. "What if it's true? Will you come with me?" His hopeful tone took her aback.

Faye chewed her lip, deep in thought. Leaving the world she knew terrified her. From what she'd heard, Dorendi would be kind to her. Who knew what dangers lurked in another universe. But she had grown to like Jyri, and would be sad to see him go. Dorendi was a far safer option though. And I could always make new friends. Lia, Kai, and Aili had proved such a feat possible. "I think I'd rather stay in Dorendi. Other universes might not like fairies."

"And other universes might love fairies more than humans," Jyri said. "We can't assume anything."

"I'd miss you," Faye said.

"Me too." Jyri smiled, hitching his pack. "There's still time to think about it. Even if I do find it, I'd want a chance to study it first. I might be able to find a way back here, if I change my mind."


Jyri nodded. "There's some sort of door that was put there thousands of years ago. It's rumored that there's a portal behind it, put there by wizards for travel. But I can't find anything else about it." He sighed. "All I've got is a secret door deep in the caves of Wizard's Point. And that's not even certain."

"Nobody's thought to search for it?"

Jyri shook his head. "No one's cared enough, I suppose."

"What if they do know more, but are keeping it secret?" Faye asked. "What if they're just making it look like rumors, when it's not?"

"Government conspiracy?" Jyri smiled. "I won't rule that out."

The two spent all day walking, stopping every now and then to rest their sore feet. And backs. The weight of Faye's pack dug into her shoulders, causing pain that she had grown accustomed to. The afternoon had turned to evening when they got their first glimpse of Wizard's Point, looming over the trees. Jyri whooped, and ran in its direction, Faye at his side. They stopped once they were out of the forest of trees, and into an open clearing. Jyri swore under his breath.

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