Chapter 9

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It took quite a bit of coaxing, but Faye and Jyri managed to lead the hodag out from the village. With one hand on its leg, Faye guided the it along, while Jyri rode on Holger. Holger was surprisingly calm, being near a beast that could eat him in three bites. The hodag seemed disinterested in its surroundings, and focused its gaze on the dirt path.

"What do these things eat, if not humans?" Faye asked.

"Forest animals, mostly," Jyri said. "And whatever enters their caves. They'll eat humans if they're desperate, but that's a rare occurrence."

"Why'd this one leave its cave?" 

Jyri shrugged. "All I can think of is water. They can go a long time without, but everything needs a drink eventually."

"But why haven't the Arlua seen it before?"

"Who knows. All that matters is, we can leave them."

The hodag growled. Faye leapt back, but the hodag sniffed at the air, then charged forward. Jyri urged Holger after it, and Faye followed. A massive lake loomed ahead, and they stopped. Faye bent forward, panting.

"Found the lake." Jyri patted at Holger's side. Holger yawned, a whine escaping him.

The hodag sniffed at the water, then drank. Without warning, it jumped in, landing with enough force to splash water over the bank. It swam off towards the horizon, leaving a trail of ripples behind.

"They swim?"

"I guess so." Eyes sweeping the lake and the surrounding trees, Jyri dismounted Holger. "This seems like a good place to rest for a bit."

Faye agreed, and they strolled to the edge of the lake. She made herself comfortable on a boulder, and watched Holger lap at the water. "He's been acting good. What happened?"

"He trusts us now." Jyri patted the estin's back. Holger whipped his head around, growling. He withdrew his hand, and Holger flopped down on his stomach. Jyri took a seat on the ground across from Faye, and pulled his notebook and pen from his pack. He flipped open to a blank page, and began writing.

"What are you writing?" Faye asked.

He barely glanced up. "Things I learned, before I forget."


"So I don't forget." Jyri furrowed his brow, his pen hovered over the page. "And you just made me forget."


Jyri tapped the side of his pen against the notebook a few times, then jotted something down.

"You have a pen?"

Head still down, he nodded.

Faye leaned forward. "And it's one of those new ones, where you don't have to refill the ink?"

Jyri stopped, and looked up. "I still have to refill it on occasion."

"But not every time?"

"No." He held his pen back up, and continued.

"What's it made of?" Faye squinted at it. "It looks like silver."

He closed his eyes, gripping the pen in his fist. "It's nickel."

"I've never used a pen before," Faye said. "Only quills, back at the orphanage."

Jyri let out an audible breath, and slammed his notebook shut. "You know, it would be nice if I could have some quiet time."

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