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"You don't seem as ecstatic as I thought you would. Is something wrong?"
   "No no, I'm really happy for you. You love her, don't you? It's just, with all this going on, you won't have much time to spend with me..."
   He sat on my bed with me. "Aw, I'd never leave you out. I promise I'll make so much time for you, you won't even realize I'm not here."


a few months later
The reception after the wedding wasn't as exciting as I thought.
Hamilton's friends were exploding bottles of alcohol. "Y/N, come join the party!" Mulligan shouted to me. I shook my head.
"I'm not allowed to drink," I refused.
Suddenly someone took my hand. I looked up to see Laurens, gazing drunkly into my eyes. "Dance with me, beautiful."
I rolled my eyes. I was used to it by now, with the crew calling me pretty and beautiful. I wasn't that much younger than them, after all. "No way, if Hamilton caught us dancing, he'd kick you out."
"Nah, you know he loves me," Laurens chuckled, swooping me across the dance floor. It gave my flashbacks to the Winter's ball, where everything fell apart.
After Hamilton proposed, my exciting life of staying with him went downhill. I became lonely and bored with everyone running around to make plans for the wedding.
Sure, I do enjoy Eliza. She's witty and understands me, so caring and sweet. But I never got any real time with her, because she's so busy. Same with Hamilton nowadays. It's like they all forgot about me.
Laurens's voice snapped me back to reality. "Hey, you look sad. What's the matter?" he cooed, pink dusting his cheeks.
"Nothing, just thinking," I murmured, not paying attention. My eyes glanced to Eliza and Hamilton dancing together in the center of the ballroom.
"Are you upset that your daddy can't spend any time with you?" Laurens laughed. My face flushed red.
"He's not my father!"
"Alright, forget I ever brought that up," he smiled sheepishly. Suddenly the music tuned down and became a slow dance. I couldn't bear to watch Eliza and Hamilton together anymore.
I huffed, pushing myself away. "I have to go."
I ran off to the restrooms, with Laurens calling after me. "I'm always here if you want a round two!"
I shut the door behind me, crumpling into a little ball. I groaned, wishing that this all would end. Can't Hamilton take some time off for me? His focus is always on Eliza now...

the next morning
"Y/N, wake up, I have something for you," I heard the gentle tone of Eliza. I grunted, sitting up.
"What?" I asked, half awake. I rubbed one of my eyes sleepily.
She set a foot long box on my bed. "Open it."
I took off the top. Inside were stacks of papers. "W-what are these?" I stammered, holding up one.
Eliza beamed. "Alex and I finally decided to adopt you, officially. I mean, if this isn't what you want, we can go search for your foster manager..." she trailed off.
Tears welled in my eyes. I was so happy, yet so disappointed. I'm finally his actual daughter, but can he set aside time to be my father? "Thank you..." I cried, throwing my arms around her neck. "This is truly amazing."
"Aw, I'm so glad you're happy," she giggled.
"Where's Hamilton? I mean, my father?" I asked, unsure if I should call him that.
She looked down sadly. "He left already."
My eyes widened. "What? Back to the war?"
Eliza sighed. "Yes. He left earlier this morning. Washington needed him back right away, since there's a new general."
"Oh," I said, nodding in understanding. "When will he be back?"
"He didn't say."
We sat in silence. Moments later she clasped her hands together excitedly. "Well, daughter, what do you want to do today?"
I grinned. "Everything."

Okay school's out so I'll have a ton of time to update :3 Get ready for spam

petunia xxx

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