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On Tuesday the 27th, my son was killed in a gunfight against British troops retreating from South Carolina. The war was already over. As you know, John dreamed of emancipating and recruiting 3000 men for the first all-black military regiment.


a few months later
I watched Hamilton squeeze Eliza's hand, cupping the baby's face with the other. He was smiling and crying at the same time, gazing softly into the baby's eyes.
"Alex..." Eliza murmured. She reached up shakily and wiped his tears.
"Sorry," he chuckled, then his face fell into sadness. "He just... Looks so much like..."
"I know, honey," she whispered, "Like John."
Hamilton nodded, holding onto her hand tighter. "What is his name?"
"I was thinking Philip," Eliza beamed.
"Philip," Hamilton repeated, brushing his son's face. "That's a lovely name."
I examined the child's face. Philip had the same freckles like Laurens's. He had the same brilliant hazel eyes. I prayed that my newborn brother would not leave the world as quickly as Laurens did.
We left the hospital, Eliza clutching her new son protectively. Hamilton called for a carriage to pick us up. I looked at my brother once more. Philip. It truly was a lovely name. I shed a tear, but quickly wiped it off.
We arrived home, and my parents immediately made room for the baby. In my room.
"Father, why in my room?" I groaned.
"Because our room has no room and Eliza needs to rest," Hamilton replied, moving my desk out of the room. "You didn't need this, did you?"
I huffed, flopping onto my bed. These next few years of my life are going to be painful.
The very next morning, Mulligan, Lafayette, and Burr stopped by to see Philip.
"He's so adorable," Mulligan sobbed. Burr patted his back awkwardly.
"Alex, mon ami, he looks just like-" Lafayette started excitedly, then stopped. "Like, um, Laurens..."
Hamilton nodded. "I know. I wish he was here to see my son..."
A shimmering hand rested on the crib that Philip was sleeping in. I looked up to see a beaming Laurens, though he was ghostly and dim. I gapped at him, my eyes wide.
"Philip," he whispered gently. Suddenly, he vanished into thin air. I blinked. What was that?
"Honey, make sure he doesn't wake up," Eliza's voice snapped me from my thoughts. She rushed over to the crib, her hand replacing the spot where Laurens's was. "I can't have him having one of his tantrums again."
"Don't worry, he probably won't wake up," Hamilton grinned confidently.
But of course, he woke up.
Philip's wails echoed across the room. I plugged my ears tiredly. Eliza threw her hands up into the air in defeat.
"I give up!" she exclaimed, frustrated. "It's only been one night! Alex, we aren't having another." She stormed out of my bedroom, shutting the door behind her.
"I'm so glad that I don't have kids," Mulligan placed his hands proudly on his hips.
"Isn't it great being single?" Lafayette laughed. Burr and Hamilton just rolled their eyes. I giggled silently.
"I think our baby is due in a week," Burr pondered. The other three boys let out a sly "Oooh."
"You never really talk that much about Theodosia, huh?" Hamilton elbowed him.
"Does he ever even talk?" Mulligan scoffed sarcastically.
"I just did," Burr glared at him like he was stupid. Hamilton and Lafayette laughed.
I grew annoyed and pushed everyone out of the room, including Philip's crib. "I can't focus with all you grown men arguing about childish problems, not to mention the baby's crying! Out!" I huffed, slamming the door behind them. See what I mean? They all ignore me, and pay attention to the baby. I knew this was going to be a nightmare.
   A long time later, we were at dinner while Hamilton was upstairs working. "Alexander, could you please come out of your office and eat with us?" Eliza called to her husband from the dinner table. I was sitting with her, and Philip was in a toddler chair.
"Just a moment, Eliza, I need to finish something," Hamilton called back. Eliza sighed.
"I worry about him sometimes, you know, Y/N?" she shook her head.
I didn't respond, just stared out the window next to me. Things have been slow, with Hamilton always locked away in his office writing and Eliza constantly on the move with my little brother.
"Y/N?" her voice rang through my ears. "Do you think you could go get your father for me?"
I nodded, standing up. I darted upstairs to his office, knocking before entering.
Hamilton jumped. "Did I not say to knock before entering my office?" he scowled.
I rolled my eyes. "I did knock, father. Mother wants you to come downstairs and eat with us. It's Philip's first birthday."
"Hold on, I'm working."
I snatched the piece of paper under his quill. "I thought you only had to write nine of these essays?" I shook it in front of him.
"Yeah, but John Jay only wrote five, and he got sick, so I had to make up for it."
"So, doing the math, in total you would have to do thirteen of these essays. And how many have you done?"
He paused. "Er, fifty one..."
"You're kidding. In less than six months?"
"Um, yes..."
"What about the other man you're working with?"
"James Madison was supposed to write eight but only did twenty nine. Can you believe it? Only twenty nine! And I thought I didn't write that much."
"Father, please! You're a workaholic! Come downstairs and eat with us, it's Philip's birthday for heaven's sake!" I pleaded. He looked down and heaved a sigh.
"Fine. Can I atleast finish this paper? I promise it will be my last one."
I gazed into his eyes, locking eye contact. "Promise?"

so ik that Dear Theodosia came BEFORE Tomorrow There'll be More of Us butttt i felt it would be more sappy or whatever if I put it after.
Hope that makes sense!
And don't yell at me for time skipping, cuz I'd like to move along to act 2.

petunia xx

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