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I burst through the front door, and immediately saw Eliza sitting on the couch, heartbroken. Angelica was patting her back, and she looked over at me, anger and fury burning in her eyes like flames.
"Y/N, Philip, pack your bags. We're going home."


   I waved goodbye to Luke as our carriage took off to New York. He waved slightly back, and was left alone in the sprinkling rain. I watched him pull out his black umbrella and walk off.
   I turned my head back around to the front. I was sitting in the back with Angie on my lap. Philip was at my side, and Eliza and her sister were in the front. Dr. Schuyler was guiding the carriage, and dropped us off at a familiar house.
   The ride home was silent, so I jumped in alarm when he spoke. "Welcome home."
   He helped us down and gave us all a hug, then got back into the carriage and set off back to his lake house. Angelica immediately kicked down the door.
   "Alexander!" she screamed, running into the house and storming upstairs. Eliza sat quietly on the couch and began to cry- again. Philip stood next to her, playing with his fingers solemnly.
   He looked up at me with sad eyes. "What's going to happen to us?"
   I got on one knee to hug him, and I stroked his curls. I was about to respond but I heard a crash upstairs.
   Angelica stomped back down the stairs, looking angry as ever. I watched Hamilton sprint after her, seeing him for the first time in months.
   He looked tired, with bags under his eyes and greasy hair. It's like he hasn't taken a shower for weeks, or worse, hasn't slept. He was frail and skinny, as if he barely ate. "Angelica, please..."
   My aunt whirled around and slapped him across the face. Philip whimpered and I carried him and Angie quickly upstairs as things escalated further. I heard shouting and sobbing from Hamilton, Angelica, and Eliza.
   "You've redefined your legacy. Congratulations!"
   "It was an act of political sacrifice!"
   "Sacrifice? Please! You'd rather have your family all murdered instead of losing a goddamn cabinet battle to Jefferson!"
   "Please, Angelica, leave him alone..."
   "You don't know anything about what I'm trying to do here! They blamed me for smuggling government funds!"
   I plugged my ears, shutting my eyes tight. We were in our parents bedroom, and we didn't want to go downstairs to our room, so we slept in here. At around midnight, I awoke to the sound of crackling flames.
   I crept downstairs, my mind racing. My first thought was that the house was burning, but my heart sank as I saw my mother sitting at the couch with a lantern and bin. She scanned through a letter, tears stinging her eyes. Then she brought it to the lantern, and it began to burn. I watched as she placed the burning letter into the bin and she began sobbing again.
   I left the staircase and made my way to her. She looked up urgently, scared out of her mind. "I-I'm sorry, Alex, I'm just- Y/N? Why aren't you in bed?"
   "I could ask you the same thing," I said softly. She looked down at the letter currently burning in her hand. "What are you doing?"
   "That's none of your business," she whispered, then met my eyes. "Go back to sleep."
   I picked up a letter, and she gasped. I scanned through it. It was dark, so the only thing I read was, "Dear Eliza... Sincerely A.Ham."
   "Your burning the letters he wrote you?" I asked.
   Her face fell with guilt and she held her face in her hands. "I just... I just can't believe him. He wanted us to stay longer so he could continue the affair..."
   "I know," I said, but somewhere deep down I felt proud. I was the only one who suspected something was wrong.
   "Who even is this woman? Maria Reynolds? I've never heard of her. What does she have that I don't? Is she pretty? Does Alex only want a girl who's pretty, instead of one who actually cares for her family?"
   "I read the pamphlet word for word and from what it seems, she wasn't the victim. You can't blame her, it was her husband."
   She sniffed. "You're right, but couldn't Alex just say no?"
   I shrugged. I suddenly felt tired, and I yawned. "I think I'm going back to bed. Um, try not to start a fire."
   She nodded and looked away while I went back upstairs. I collapsed onto her bed and instantly felt my self fall asleep.

   In the morning I heard more yelling and crying in the kitchen. I didn't hear Angelica, so I assumed she left last night. A sudden worried feeling dawned on me when I noticed that Philip wasn't in bed. Angie was fast asleep, curled underneath the blankets.
   I got out of bed and silently stepped downstairs, and my eyes widened when I saw Philip peeking into the kitchen doorway. I quickly rushed down the stairs and grabbed his shoulder.
   "Pip, what are you doing? It's five am, go back to sleep," I whisper-yelled. He looked up at me, tears streaming down his face.
   I listened in on the fighting. "You know what, you're leaving. My father paid for this house, so it's rightfully mine!"
   "Eliza, just listen to me-"
   "Pack your bags, Alexander; for years I've tried to get you out of your office to just spend time with us but no- you had to run off to another woman! I hope your satisfied with yourself!"
   "Let me explain!"
   "I don't want to hear it! Get out of my house!"
   Philip suddenly stepped forward. I tried to pull him away but he stood his ground. "Mommy? Daddy? What's going on?" he asked, terrified. Eliza and Hamilton's heads snapped around to him.
   "Oh my God," Eliza whispered, covering her mouth. She started crying again. Hamilton quickly hugged his son.
   "It's okay, nothing is wrong," he murmured, but Philip pushed him away. He ran up to Eliza and clung to her dress.
   Eliza took a deep breath and stared, hard a cold, at Hamilton. "You'll sleep in your office instead."
   He nodded slowly, tears beginning to rise in his eyes. I never saw him cry before. He wiped his face with his sleeve and darted to his office upstairs, slamming the door behind him.

I know, Eliza doesn't act like that and maybeeee I over exaggerated her attitude. But she's sad, mkay?

ALSO If you had two children- a boy and a girl- what would you name them? PLEASE COMMENT I NEED THIS

{edit: oh hey u guys can stop commenting names now lmao i finished the book in June 2017 and now its April 2018 so}

{another edit: y'all it's currently august 2018 (technically it's july cuz it's the 31st at 11:33 pm but whatever) and i'm still getting comments for children's names but i just don't want to take out the message cuz idk xD i'm good thanksksks}

Anyways imma just time skip forward to ten years later--
Let's pretend like Eliza forgave Alex for all this and they had more kids cuz they have like eight in the end.

petunia xx

яαιѕє α gℓαѕѕ тσ fяєє∂σм ☆ adopted by a.hamWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt