The Rescue

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Zayn's POV

Where's Hannah? I ponder as I'm being directed to a lifeboat with Liam at my heels. She should have been warned by now, and Niall's still at his date with Barbara, so he obviously wouldn't know if she escaped yet.

"Liam, have you seen Hannah by any chance?" I ask him as he start climbing down the safety ladder that leads to the water below.

"How should I know?" He snaps.

"Because you were the one who had last seen her!" I smack my forehead irritably. "In the sitting room," I add.

"Oh right!" He replies, twisting around to face the ladder. "Well, I haven't seen her exactly, but I did catch a glimpse of her running through the dining room while being chased by fire!"

"WHAT?!!!" I scream, causing Liam to loose his footing and grip on the last few handlebars and climbing steps and fall into the slightly choppy waves. "And you didn't think of telling me five seconds ago?!"

"Hey! Nobody even thought of asking me in the first place," he argues. "I mean, talk about giving full loyalty to people."

"Liam, go head back to shore with the others," I urge him. "Well, if we can even find them."

"Then what are you going to do while I'm doing that?" He protests.

"I'm going to search for Hannah on the ship," I answer, puffing out my chest as I stand. "I can't join the others until I know she's safe."

"It's true love," Liam sing-songs from below. "You really do care about her a lot, don't you?"

"Of course," I says softly. "It's torture for me to see her get hurt."

"Aww!" Liam coos. "Just one more thing." He waits for a few moments before finally shouting, "are you going to get the girl of your dreams or just keep talking about her here while she's in a near-death in the middle of the sea?!"

"I'm getting her, I'm getting her!" I insist, sprinting inside the tour-cruise but also managing to hear Liam chuckle in the back.


"Hannah! Hannah!" I yell in between coughs as I search through the sitting room. "Where are you?"

I strain to keep myself balanced as a metal beam comes crashing down beside me. Oh god, I think. If I don't find her in the next 30 minutes I'll be dead meat!

Spotting a fallen flower vase with it's exotic flowers dumped out on the spot, I quickly head over to the area to investigate. Beyond the vase is the glass wall, shattered into millions of tiny fractals.

I carefully step through the wall's frame and cover my mouth and nose to prevent myself from breathing in smoke. Seriously, it can really damage your alveoli and your lungs.

I pass by the overturned tables and chairs in the dining room but after about like five minutes walking to the center, I fear slightly that Hannah would not be found soon.

"HANNAH!!" I call louder this time. "WHERE ARE YOU?!! IT'S ME, ZAYN!!" I wait patiently for a reply, but receive none.

Just as I pass another small cluster of fractured glass, I stop suddenly and quickly walk backward to examine the piece of heavy-designed fabric on my right.

And there, sank deep in a large pool of blood, is the 17 year-old I've been seeking for. I gasp so loudly that I think I'm gonna pass out, but I don't. Hannah has cuts all over her body--face, arms, you get the idea. Her hand's peppered with scathing blisters. There's also a HUGE jagged gash that runs down from the top of her right arm to her forearm and stops at her wrist.

I immediately stop down and kneel beside her, putting my ear to her chest to check out her pulse. Yep. She's still alive.

"Hannah?" I gently tilt her chin up to face me with two of my fingers.

"Hi, Zayn," she whispers weakly.

"What happened to you??"

"I accidentally burned my hand on a doorknob and made an explosion while I was trying to find a way out." She laughs dryly.

"Well in the meantime," I lift her up and carry her in bridal style. "You can get a free lift."

It was hard to see if she's smiling under all of her injuries and wounds, but I manage in the end.

"Zayn, I think you should speed up!" Hannah warns. I turn and watch as the leftover fire starts spreading across the floor surprisingly fast!

"Thanks for the warning!" I run across the dining room with Hannah in my arms. I ram into another glass wall with my back and jump into the ocean below. I'm a big fan of water but today's an emergency!


I quickly but gently pull Hannah to the shore, holding her above the surface of the water for support. The moment I set her onto the sandy bay, people from far away start walking over!

"Hannah!" I half-whisper-half-yell. "People are coming! And if they see your face, they'll think you're Niall!"

"The-the skin mask," she murmurs.


"It's in my pocket. Helps to hide my true i-identity."

I quickly search through her jeans until I pull out a white-looking skin mask, but in the glow of the sunset, it's colours just shine through the mask so I know it's transparent.

"Place the mask onto my face," she orders. I do as she asks and pats it gently onto her cheeks.

"Now wait." What I see is astonishing! The skin mask slowly absorbs into Hannah's skin and seconds later, she looks like a completely different person!

"I know, it's pretty cool, but disgustingly expensive," she answers for me as if Hannah can read my mind.

The Horan Twins (A Niall Horan fanfic/Zayn Malik love story)Where stories live. Discover now