7. Moments Worth Cherishing

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"I keep falling for you each second, each minute, each hour and each day of my life"

7. Moments Worth Cherishing

          NEXT DAY IN the morning Shreya was relieved that finally she could wash her hands. She spent an entire hour bathing and washing off her hands. Wrapping a towel around her body and hair, Shreya walked out of her washroom.

Shuffling through all her clothes, she decided to wear shorts and a crop top. She was drying her hair with the towel when the doorbell rang. She frowned and glanced at the wall clock. It was 9 in the morning. Who could be here at this time?, she thought.

The doorbell buzzed continuously for the next ten minutes. Shreya let out a frustrated growl and threw the towel on her bed. Opening her room door, she walked in the living room and found no one in the living room. Where did everyone disappear in the morning?, she wondered.

She opened the main door and was surprised to see Aanchal standing at their doorstep with Yash in her arms. Shreya stepped aside to welcome Aanchal. Aanchal entered the apartment followed by the driver who was holding a bag in his hand. Shreya closed the door and walked in the living room.

Aanchal asked the driver to place the bag on the table and dismissed him. Shreya was confused and had no idea why Aanchal was here. She poured water in a glass and walked outside the kitchen. Aanchal sat on the couch with Yash on her lap as she observed the apartment.

She couldn't observe the house during the mehendi ritual because it was crowded and with all the dance and music she had totally forgot about it. True to Aarav's words, there weren't any pictures of Shreya on the wall. Aanchal found it extremely strange. Shreya offered Aanchal a glass of water with a smile on her face.

"Uncle Auntie, are not at home?", Aanchal asked as she drank water.

"Umm...yeah! They are gone out I suppose", Shreya said sitting on the couch.

"Okay, no problem anyways I was here to meet you", Aanchal said smiling.

"To meet me?", Shreya asked confused.

"Yes", Aanchal picked up the bag which was placed on the table and handed it to Shreya.

"Its our family tradition so please accept this. The groom's side gifts the bride her sangeet dress which she of course wears for her sangeet"

"Oh.. Thank you Di", Shreya replied with a small smile.

"Shreya, if you don't mind can I ask you something?", Aanchal asked gently.

"Yeah sure"

"You're sure you want to marry Aarav?", Aanchal asked.

Shreya's eyes widened a little. She couldn't believe Aanchal was asking her this a day before her brother's wedding.

"If you're not sure we can cancel the wedding and I promise you no one will tell you anything. I'm a woman too so I understand you and my Aarav will understand too. Marriage is like a rebirth of a girl, Shreya. Once you get married you have so many roles in your life. You become a wife, a daughter-in-law and a sister-in-law. I know you're thinking why am I telling you all this, right?"

Shreya nodded in response.

"Its because I want you to be sure about your decision. Aarav is my brother but I consider you as my sister too. I don't want you to destroy your life or regret marrying my brother. No doubt my brother will keep you happy but are you willing to accept this change with open arms?"

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