52. Mine

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52. Mine

"AAYU, PLEASE STOP crying", Jai pleaded rubbing Aayushi's back as he paced back and forth in the hall with Aayushi in his arms.

"Should I call Diksha?", Shaurya asked.

"No, they all will be on their way. They might reach soon", Jai said as he cradled the little baby in his arms.

Rishabh made funny faces hoping Aayushi might stop crying but to their horror she cried even more. All the ladies were out for shopping whereas Rajeev, Manish and Neil were busy with the guest list and were out in a restaurant.

"Maybe she is hungry?", Samar suggested.

"No. I fed her milk from the bottle a couple of minutes ago", Jai said as he continued to pace and rub Aayushi's back.

"I think I am going to become deaf!", Shaurya yelled as he closed his ears.

Just then Aarav arrived with the grocery bags in his hands. He felt bad for Jai who had no idea how to handle the little baby.

"Rishi! Take these bags inside and Jai give Aayushi to me", Aarav said and handed the bags to Rishabh.

Jai handed Aayushi over to him. Aarav rubbed her back for awhile but she couldn't stop crying.

"Did you feed her milk?", Aarav asked and Jai nodded.

"Uhh... did you check her diaper?", Aarav asked.

"Yeah, it's fine", Jai said.

"Is it the first time she is away from Diksha?", Aarav asked.

"No... ", Jai trailed.

"Maybe it's because of the change in her surroundings and even Diksha isn't here so...", Aarav said looking at the little baby girl in his arms.

Her small face was red with all the crying and with each of her tear Aarav felt a tug in his heart. He would make sure his baby girl would never shed a tear, he thought.

"But I am here...", Jai said in a defeated voice.

"Jai, it's not that she doesn't want you but right now she needs her mother. You are getting what I mean right?", Aarav asked and Jai nodded.

"I am taking her to your room", Aarav said as he walked towards the staircase.

Jai, Shaurya and Samar followed him to Jai and Diksha's room. Aarav kept rubbing her back till he reached Jai and Diksha's room. He then placed Aayushi in her crib and slowly pushed the crib back and forth. He pulled the curtains opened and the moonlight fell on the crib. Aayushi's cries became a little soft. Aarav again started to push her crib back and forth.

Aarav lifted Aayushi in his arms and her cries slowly died as she looked at him with her big doe eyes. He kissed her nose and Aayushi's eyes closed slowly as she fell in her slumber. Aarav slowly placed her in her crib and kissed her on her forehead. He turned around only to find Jai, Shaurya and Rishabh staring at him with wide eyes.

"You are gonna be a great Dad", Shaurya breathed out and then his lips quirked up in a smile.

"I plan to be one", Aarav said as he shooed them out of the room and closed the door.

"When are all the females coming home? It's like 9pm and they are still shopping?", Samar asked.

"Shreya had called me up earlier to inform they will be home at midnight", Aarav said as he opened refrigerator.

"What about Dad, Rajeev Uncle and Neil?", Samar asked.

"Dad and Bade Papa will be staying over for tonight at Bade Papa's beach house", Aarav said.

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