39. The Truth Unravels

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39. The Truth Unravels

AS THE MASQUERADE dance began, Aarav started searching for Shreya. His heart was beating so badly that he doubted if anyone else could hear it. He was about to ask Shweta if she had seen Shreya but he was interrupted by Parul.

"Shweta, I want to talk to you", Parul said seriously.

"Yeah sure", Shweta said smiling.

"Not here somewhere else and I want to talk with Manish also", Parul said.

Shweta was confused as to what Parul wanted to talk but she nodded anyways as she excused herself to find Manish.

Aarav looked at his mother in law curiously. First of all, he didn't want anyone of them in the party but this was all for his Shreya and their baby.

"Auntie, what is so important that you want to talk to Mom and Dad alone?", Aarav asked curiously.

"It's not just them, son. I want to talk to your entire family", Parul said.

"And what do you exactly want to talk?", Aarav asked curiously.

"You will know about it just wait", Parul said.

Manish, Shweta, Prem and Neela walked towards Parul and Aarav.

"What was so important that you wanted to talk Parul?", Manish asked.

"Shreya is pregnant", Parul said.

"What?", Prem asked.

"Our daughter is pregnant, Prem", Parul said emphasizing each word.

"We know", Neela said simply.

"And you didn't bother to inform us?", Prem asked perplexed.

"Prem, this was the exact surprise we were talking about", Shweta explained.

"Shweta, it's not us who are surprised it's you are going to be surprised", Parul said nonchalantly.

"What do you mean?", Aarav asked skeptically.

"Wow! She didn't even tell you? My daughter is really good at hiding things, isn't she Prem?", Parul said laughing.

Aarav didn't like the way Parul was talking or where this talk was heading. He knew that his mother in law was upto no good. Was Shreya really their daughter? Never in his life had he seen parents like Parul and Prem who constantly were willing to kill their own child's happiness.

"Mom, stop it! What are you trying to do? And why are you doing all this? Haven't you caused enough havoc in my sister's life?", Shaurya said as his eyes blazed with fury.

"Don't you fucking defend her!", Parul said angrily.

"What happened to "I want to apologize to my daughter", Mom?", Shaurya mocked.

"I am your mother, Shaurya! Don't you forget that", Parul warned.

"And she is your daughter! The daughter you gave birth to! The daughter who did everything for your love! The daughter who distanced herself from her siblings for you! The daughter who you nearly killed! The daughter who is now pregnant with a child growing in her womb!", Shaurya yelled as he lost control over his anger.

The hall which was filled with music few seconds ago was nothing but silent now. The lights were turned on and the guests had turned their attention to the family. Aanchal, Neil, Forum, Samar, Jai, Diksha and the Parmar family rushed towards Manish and the others in order to stop the commotion.

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