13. Ray Of Light

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"Remember, even the devil was once an angel"

13. Ray Of Light

          AARAV ENTERED THE apartment along with Shreya in his arms. Locking the door behind him, he walked Shreya towards the couch and helped her sit on the couch.

"Shreya, please stop crying", Aarav pleaded.

His heart broke seeing her cry like this. He felt so helpless in that moment.

"Aarav, promise me you won't ever pick up fights like this", Shreya said sobbing.

"Shrey, I didn't do it purposely. Those guys... they were talking shit about you. How could I stand there and listen to them?", Aarav said angrily.

"They didn't say anything that I haven't heard before", Shreya said wiping her tears.

"I won't let any guy talk shit about my wife!", Aarav growled.

"Stop over reacting! And... and don't show me this fake concern of yours", Shreya said angrily.

"You think I'm showing fake concern?", Aarav asked softly.

"Yes... why don't you understand Aarav I'm use to all this!"

"You maybe use to all this but I won't tolerate it, Shreya because I respect women and I would have done the same even if it was someone else"

Shreya looked at him her eyes filled with tears. How did she get blessed with someone like Aarav? How did a demon like her get paired with an angel?

She remembered the stories her mom use to narrate during her childhood. The Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snowhite etc. These stories made her believe that love existed. That one day her own prince charming will come and sweep her off her feet just like a princess until one day her belief in love broke. That day her heart shattered and slowly she too got shattered.

Slowly her demons consumed her and now her life was full of darkness. Aarav was pure and she didn't wanted to pull him in her mess. She wanted him to be happy just like he had been before she entered his life and ruined his happiness. She was the reason he picked up a fight with those street boys. She would have never been able to forgive herself if the rod would have really hit him.

What would she answer his family if anything would have happened to him today because of her stupid desire of enjoying rain.

She would have never been able to face his family. She would die with guilt if any harm comes to him because of her. He married her without a clue of her past and now he was facing it's consequences.

But why did he marry her?

"Why.. why did you marry me? When you didn't even know me?", Shreya asked her eyes red with all the crying.

Aarav was confused. He was tired of her behaviour. What did she mean by why I agreed to marry her? We married with each other's consent than why was she behaving like she was forced into this marriage?

"You too agreed to marry me! Don't act like I ruined your life!", Aarav yelled tired of her behaviour.

"My life was ruined long back", she whispered softly.

If the room wasn't filled with silence Aarav would have never heard her.

"What do you mean Shreya?", he asked standing from her.

He wanted to go there comfort her, show her he truly cared and this wasn't an act but she couldn't even stand near him then how could he do all this?

"I'm sorry Aarav! I'm so sorry", she sobbed.

"Shreya please don't cry", he said trying to comfort her.

He was losing his sanity seeing her cry like this, like a broken doll. What had happened to her? Who was the reason behind this? So many questions but no answers.

"Aarav leave me", she said suddenly wiping her tears.

"What?", he asked puzzled.

"I said leave me Aarav. File a divorce. I can't do this to you", she said with a stoic face.

"No! What the hell are you talking!? No divorce will happen not even in your nightmares", he yelled at her and left the door slamming it hard behind him.

Shreya dropped down on the floor crying. She didn't know what to do. She wanted to protect him from her demons and the only way to do it was by taking a divorce.

The door opened again. Aarav walked in with their luggages and she looked at him with confusion. She had thought he left the house to clear his mind but here he was standing with their luggages in his hand.

"I know what you're thinking", Aarav said "Remove the thoughts of divorce from your stupid mind because that will never happen"

"Why? Why are you doing all this for me?", Shreya asked sniffling.

"Because you're my wife and I have taken vows with you in the presence of the almighty and several people. I have promised to be your companion and best friend till my last breath and I don't break my promises"

How could someone still stay by her side despite of the way she reacted earlier, she thought.

"Shreya, I know you have faced a lot in your life", Aarav said trying to read her emotions.

"Oh so that's why all this sympathy! You're doing this out of pity", Shreya said laughing bitterly.

"But guess what Mr Aarav Shah I'm not a charity case", Shreya continued fuming with anger.

Aarav's heart broke into several pieces hearing her harsh words but for some reason his heart told him that she didn't mean any of those words.

"No Shrey! You're not a charity case. I respect you. You know why? Because after facing so much you've become what you are today. A strong and independent woman", Aarav said sincerely.

Shreya looked into his eyes trying to trace any lie but his eyes only showed one thing. Sincerity.

"Aarav, you will get hurt if I stay in your life", Shreya said her voice laced with pain.

"I'm willing to get hurt even if it means you will stay in my life", Aarav said with a determined look on his face.

A demon paired with an angel. Aren't all the stories filled with it? The angel saving the demon? But this time the roles were exchanged. She was the demon who didn't believe in love and wanted to live in darkness. He was the angel who believed in love and was the ray of light in this cruel world. The only ray of light in her dark world.

She was broken and he was the one who was willing to pick the shattered pieces of her heart. He was willing to do anything to just have a little place in her heart.


So how was the chapter? Let me know! Excuse me for grammatical errors. Vote and comment. Keep loving Aarya :) Happy reading!

Love ya
Hugs and Kisses
See you soon

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