29. I Love You

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"The power of love was something you shouldn't underestimate because love has the power to heal and break a person completely"

29. I Love You

AS SHREYA WALKED in the room which she and Aarav shared, she couldn't help but feel dizzy with happiness. Tomorrow, Aarav was coming back to Mumbai. Since she had realised she loved him, her behaviour had taken a whole 360 degree turn.

She threw herself on the bed and thought about how she was going to confess her love to him but no idea popped up in her mind.

"Bhabhi!", Rishabh's voice pulled her out of her trance.

She stood up and opened the door.

"Are you free?", Rishabh asked as he took in her tired form.

"Uhh... well yes. Did you need something?", Shreya asked.

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you", Rishabh said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ohh.. okay come inside", Shreya said moving aside so Rishabh could enter the room.

"Bhabhi, the room hasn't changed a bit", Rishabh commented as he sat on the bed.

"What do you mean?", Shreya asked closing the door.

"Like you know, usually girls add their own stuff and touch so they can get comfortable in the room. You haven't done anything like that. The room is just like it was always. The same blue walls which have no photos or anything on them", Rishabh said looking around the room.

"Yeah, I haven't done any changes in the room I like it the way it is. Simple and sweet", Shreya said as she picked out her clothes from the closet and walked towards the washroom.

While Shreya changed into a top and pyjama, Rishabh glanced around the room. There was a picture of Aarav and Shreya on the bedside table which was taken during the Karjat trip where both of them were grinning while looking at the camera.

Shreya came out and looked at Rishabh who was holding the photo frame in his hand.

"Rishi?", Shreya called out.

He quickly placed the frame on the table and turned around, "that picture is really beautiful. You two seem so happy" A soft smile played on his lips while Shreya blushed at his compliment.

"So what did you want to talk about?", Shreya asked sitting on the bed.

"Bhabhi, you and Bhai haven't exactly spent time with each other. I was thinking tomorrow since he is coming back, you can spend some alone time with him", Rishabh said emphasizing the words 'alone' and 'time'.

"And how will I spend alone time with him?", Shreya asked arching her eyebrow.

"Tomorrow, we all are going to Delhi to meet Aarav's Nani and will stay there for 3 - 4 days. So you can spend time with him", Rishabh said smiling.


"No ifs and no buts. Bhabhi, you guys need some couple time. Spend these days nicely with Bhai and tomorrow is your 10th month anniversary so make it special", Rishabh said with a smile before he left her alone with her thoughts.

She sighed as she thought about tomorrow. Tomorrow would be best to confess her love to him, she thought as she laid on the bed and let her sleep consume her.


THE NEXT MORNING as Rishabh had said the Shah family left for Delhi early in the morning. Since it was a Sunday, Shreya's clinic was closed.

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