18. His Precious Diamond

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"She was a diamond and he knew how to treasure her"

18. His Precious Diamond

            FINALLY AARAV AND Shreya were going back to Mumbai. The couple was going back to celebrate Shweta and Manish's 35th anniversary. Shreya had decided to skip the shopping plan as they had to return Mumbai today.

"Aarav, I think we should buy something for Maa and Papa as an anniversary gift", Shreya suggested.

"Gift? Do you have any idea what we should buy?", Aarav asked his eyes trained on the road.

"I don't know... See let's give them something which will truly make them happy", Shreya said.

"And what will make them truly happy?", Aarav asked arching his eyebrow.

"How would I know?", Shreya asked irritated.

"Then shut your mouth", Aarav said simply.

"What? Aarav! Its Maa Papa's anniversary! We should do something special for them", Shreya urged.

Aarav rolled his eyes.

"What you want to do? Tell me", Aarav said.

"How about we call nani to Mumbai?", [maternal grandmother] Shreya suggested.

"Shreya, don't state the impossible", Aarav said.

"What is impossible in that Aarav? Nani leaves in Delhi right? Besides she didn't even attend our wedding", Shreya said.

"She lives in Delhi but try to understand Shrey... mama ji [uncle] won't send her to Mumbai", Aarav said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

Shreya instantly recognised the sadness in his voice and asked him to stop the car. Aarav reluctantly stopped the car in the middle of the road.

"What is it Aarav? You can share with me everything you know that right?", Shreya asked turning her body towards him so she was facing him.

Aarav gulped the lump which had formed in his throat and nodded. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Shreya held his hands in hers silently telling him she was here for him.

"You know that Mom and Dad's marriage is love marriage right?", Aarav asked staring in Shreya's chocolate brown eyes.

Shreya nodded.

"Mom and Dad had married each other with their parents permission. When Mom had told Nani and Nana about Dad they met him and liked him instantly and the same happened with Mom. Both the families had no issues with each other except for Mama ji. When he got to know Mom was getting married to a C.A. he wasn't happy. Mama ji's friend was interested in Mom. He was a diamond merchant's son so he was comparatively rich than Dad hence Mama ji wanted Mom to marry him. Mom loves Mama ji alot but she couldn't sacrifice her love because of him. Mama ji wanted Mom to live a luxurious life so he was right in his place and so was Mom. She tried to explain her side to him but instead of listening to her he broke all the ties with her but Nani and Nana stayed in touch with us. After Nana died, Mama ji decided to take care of Nani and asked her to cut all ties with us. Nani wasn't ready to do that but Mom being Mom convinced Nani to break ties with us because she didn't wanted to hurt Mama ji anymore. We had sent the wedding invitation card also to Delhi but they didn't come", Aarav said as he cried feeling the loss of his half family.

Shreya's own tears made an appearance as she saw Aarav crying. She wrapped her arms around Aarav's neck and pulled him in for a hug. Aarav sobbed in her arms as he felt his Mom's pain.

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