Characters Rant

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This is for all the readers who probably hate me because of the last update and cried or got emotional. It is a small effort to make you guys smile.

Characters Rant

Aarav : God damn it woman! Get up!

I wake up and scowl at the intruder who just interrupted me and my baby sleep.

Me : What the hell Aarav! Who wakes up anyone like this? And how dare you separate me from my love? *glares at him*

Aarav : Your love? You said you were single *confuse*

Me : You didn't need to announce that I'm single! And my sleep, my food are my love! *stomps on his feet*

Aarav : I'm going to kill you! *cries in agony*

Me : Yeah yeah then who will write your story? My ghost?

Shreya : Atleast your ghost will come up with amazing ideas!

Me : Did you just insult my oh so amazing writting skills?

Shreya : *scoffs* I wouldn't dare to!

Aarav : You really love to kill the female protagonists of your book, don't you? *scowls*

Me : I didn't do anything! *tries to act innocent*

Saloni : You freaking made me a VILLIAN! *yells*

Forum : You made me lose my baby! Can I kill you please? *throws daggers*

Shreya : Coma? Really? Couldn't you just break my hands and legs?

Me : So that you can become handicap? *raises her eyebrow*

Aarav : I swear woman I will kill you if you create more havoc in the book! *glares*

Me : Shreya was the one who said about being handicap! *protests*

Samar : What about my baby? *asks curiously*

Me : You will know! Patience honey!

Forum : He's not your honey! *scowls*

Me : What's with all the jealousy? He's married to you! I'm not interested in taken men! *rolls her eyes*

Shreya : When are you going to wake me up?

Me : You're already awake! If you weren't awake how would we be talking?

Shreya : Can I just kill her?

Aarav : Please I will be the happiest person on the earth.

Me : Hey! You should love me! Because of me all my readers are in love with you!

Shreya : He loves me woman! Don't you dare come in between us!

Aarav : My baby is jealous! *does a happy dance*

Me : *rolls her eyes*

Shreya : Jealous? Psst! Me? No!

Me : Anyone wants ice cream?

Tanmay : You freaking made me the bad person here!

Me : Eat ice cream it will help you calm your anger.

Tanmay snatches the spoon from me and is about to eat when I kick him!

Tanmay : *screams in pain* Why would you do that?

Me : One many readers wanted to kick your ass which I so gladly did! *smirks* Two don't you ever effing touch my ice cream tub again! *scowls*

Saloni : Woman if I don't get my Rishi I will kill you!

Me : Get out of my house before I kick you guys out!

Everyone : WHY!!??

Me : You all are threatening to kill me! You can't expect me to do Aarti of you guys with a Thali in my hand!

Everyone : BUT WE LOVE YOU!!!


***** THE END *****

Sorry if I couldn't make you smile

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