Chapter 43 - Epilogue

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Chapter 43 –  Four Months Later

Bennett runs a hand through his wet hair and shakes out the ends. The chlorinated water gently hits my chest, and I towel down a second time with a scowl.

"Bud, shake your dog hair off in the other direction."

Bennett ignores the comment. He flashes me a wicked grin and takes a step closer, repeating the unnerving behavior. I jump away, but the water droplets manage to reach me. Roland chortles under his breath from a locker away.

"You're encouraging him now?"

I turn to my best friend with eyebrows pinched in irritation. Roland offers up an impish grin while closing his locker. He gives a salute of good-bye in our general direction and shakes his head.

"I'm not getting in the middle of this one, man. I'll see you guys tonight. Bennett – what time we meeting at your place?"


"Sounds good. I'll be there."

Bennett waves to Roland as he joins a few other swimmers on the team leaving the locker room. I hastily grab for my shirt and yank it over my head. Once the semester started a few months ago, Roland pitched the idea of having a weekly dinner at one of our places. After having the first dinner at Roland's apartment, a second dinner at Jordan and I's apartment, and then a third at Bennett's condo, the tradition kind of stuck.

For the first couple of dinners, Weston joined us too. But after it became painfully obvious that he was still interested in Roland - and the feelings weren't mutual – we saw him less and less. Completely understandable, in my opinion. The guy just needed space, and from the occasional texts he sends to Bennett to keep in touch, he seems to be doing well.

"You're annoying as fuck," I grumble under my breath.

Bennett laughs and pulls my towel from the bench to absorb the water and sweat from his chest and arms. "You're just pissed I beat you at practice. Don't worry, babe. I'll go easier on you next time."

He lowers his voice at the end, but it's still loud enough to be heard by some of the other guys on the team. Unlike four months ago, it doesn't bother me. Even if he's egging on my competitive edge, hearing him use a pet name is something I secretly enjoy. Don't worry – I'd never admit that shit aloud.

"Whatever, asshole." I close my locker and toss my gym bag over my shoulder. "You need me to bring anything for tonight?"

Bennett slides the towel around the back of his neck and trails his gaze down my torso. "Yea. We need more condoms."

He smirks, and his gaze flickers towards my lower-half. The bold statement throws me off-guard. Heat spreads across my chest, and I stifle a laugh when the teammate next to him sucks in a breath of disbelief. Our conversation catches the attention of a few freshmen gathering up their gym bags. They look completely wiped from practice, but Bennett's comment is enough to make their heads snap in our direction. Two of them stare back at us with matching blushes. When Bennett throws them each a warning scowl, they quickly look away and focus all their attention on packing up their swim gear.

"Certainly gave them something to talk about over the weekend."

Bennett gives a cocky shrug without commenting further. Instead of walking towards the exit, I lean against the lockers and wait for him to change. Just like the weekly dinners, waiting for my pseudo-boyfriend after practice so we can leave together has become part of my routine.

I keep my eyes trained on the remaining two guys in the locker room – the blushers. One of them is tall and incredibly lean. His build reminds me of Roland. The other is almost a foot shorter and stockier. The leaner one nibbles on his lip and checks his phone, while the stockier one finishes packing up his shit in a frenzied hurry.

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