Part XII

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After Joe called Matt, Terry, and Will, he called Al Mackson, “Max” for short, still working in Washington. He explained the situation with Adam.

His friend had alarming news. “This guy is wanted in several States. He’s actually on the Bureau’s List of the Most Wanted. If you can catch him down there, you’ll be doing the entire Nation a huge favor. He’s bad news. It all started with a woman in Kentucky. Apparently he held her captive for four days, repeatedly raping and beating her. He did fourteen months jail time for it. It just angered him more, and he has been after her ever since. He shot her fiancé at Mt. Rainier National Park three years ago. His trial was ruled a mistrial. She has disappeared from radar for now, but we’ve been looking for her. Her life is in danger, and anyone who tries to help her is in danger too!”

“Max, I think this is the very person Hart is trying to help. He said some things in his e-mail that are eerily similar to the things you’ve told me. How do we get this guy? This means Hart’s in danger too, man.”

Max said, “I’ll report it to the chief and let him know you’ve found her. Call Terry, Will and Matt and see if they’re willing to help you. You’ll have to go commando on this guy: guns drawn, Kevlar vests; the whole nine yards. You have to be willing to surround the place like a S.W.A.T. team and not be afraid to pull the trigger, because he’s not. He’s proven he will do it without hesitation. First, get the Sheriff and Police Chief to expedite a restraining order, and provide security for her home. This is crazy serious. Your lives will be on the line.”

“The town is Marketville, Georgia. I’ve already talked to the team, and they’re on board. We’re Marines. Semper Fi! We’ll help her just because Hart cares about her. OORAH! Thanks Max. I’ll keep you posted.” They said their goodbyes and Joe took a deep breath. What had they just agreed to do? Protect and serve was the police motto. They would do just that. He called the Chief of Police and filled him in, and then shot an e-mail to Adam. He would call Adam, too, after he filled the Sheriff in and called GBI.

. . . . .

Adam’s phone rang while Renee was talking to Stella at the hospital.

“This is Adam.”

“Hey, buddy! It’s Joe. I have information for you. I sent a detailed e-mail. Terry, Max, Will, and Matt are all behind us. This guy is not a joke. He’s killed several people since he shot SGT Michelson three years ago, and shot others who survived. It seems every time your girl moves, he leaves a wake of destruction trying to get to her. You’ve got yourself a swarm of wasps, lemme tell ya! First thing: you need to have her fill out a restraining order, and I will get it expedited.”

“She filled it out yesterday. This guy’s been coming to her job and making enough trouble, she is in danger of losing it. She’s an amazing surge nurse. They’d be hard pressed to find another like her, for sure.”

“Glad she filled it out, Hart. We’re going to have to do some backwoods-type protection here. We’re going to have to find a way to secure the perimeter of her house and even the road to it. Max said this guy’s on the Most Wanted list. I recommend you take her to another town and keep her there. That’s the safest thing. You sure know how to pick ‘em, don’tcha?”

“Hey, Joe, this girl’s worth it! She’s almost too good to be true. When you meet her, you’ll know what I mean.”

“Alright, man. I’ll be in touch!”

“Thanks buddy! Semper Fi!”

“You betcha.”

As they hung up, Renee came away from Stella’s desk. “I have to go see the Nursing Administrator, and the Hospital Administrator. Apparently, Ben’s been making serious threats. They have a guard watching Stella for safety. I’m probably going to be suspended without permanent action until this is over, but I’m okay with it! I can’t do my job very well while looking over my shoulder.” She laughed. “Not a good idea in surgery, ya know?”

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