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The dedication is to a fellow Wattpad writer who's action scenes inspired me to write this one better than I had originally. Thank you!


Terry’s phone rang, and Renee jumped. They had been watching television and enjoying chatting with Matt and Adam. Terry’s face turned white. She said, “Okay, I’ll tell ’em,” and hung up.

Matt was sure he knew the problem, but didn’t want to assume. Terry confirmed his suspicions. “He kidnapped Amanda in the store. God was on her side, and that’s the only thing I can say. As she and Ben were walking out, the guys on Max’s team were walking in. One went to follow them, and the other two to find Natasha so that they could pursue. Apparently, Amanda is a feisty girl. Leroy saw Ben slap her while he waited for the others, and Amanda returned the gesture. And, driving down the road, he said Amanda punched Ben in the jaw at least twice. The bad news is that they are coming this way. So, Renee, you and Adam need to decide if you are staying or going. If you stay, it could be bad.”

“If I go, you will all, ALL die! Adam, unless you say otherwise, I want to stand my ground and face this jerk once and for all.” Adam nodded and agreed with her decision.

Thunder crashed and seemingly broke the sound barrier. Renee felt her will strengthening this time. She wasn’t afraid for the first time in years of the loud noise. Ben would not get to her this time.

“If that’s what you want to do, love, we’ll stand together and fight him. We got our forever. Anything after today is just icing on the cake. I love you!” He kissed her sweetly and held her close. He knew this could be the last time they’d hold one another. That thought made him want to vomit. He held her closer instead.

A tear fell as she whispered, “I love you, too.” The emotions running rampant in her heart were not allowing her voice to surface.

Terry and Matt broke in and Matt said, “We need to do a few things and quickly. Everyone needs to have a bullet proof vest on. Make sure your guns are ready to go. And we need to pray. Now!”

Renee, still unable to speak, nodded. They circled and Matt prayed for protection for all involved, and a swift end to the ordeal. He prayed for peace and help.

They ended the prayer, and went about getting ready. Renee’s adrenaline was pumping. “Get mad, Renee! Get mad! You chose fight instead of flight. The only way to make him stop is to stop him. You ready, love?”

“HOO-AAAAH!” was all she said.

. . . . .

Will walked out to stand on the front porch of the house in time for the Suburban to pull in front. He was locked, loaded, vested and ready. He limped on his cast, refusing to use the crutches. The driver was Amanda, and Ben was the passenger. He’d stood silently listening when Terry received the call. Now, he was watching as the victim and the perpetrator pulled up. He wasn’t gonna let anything happen to Dan’s wife.

Ben, trying to keep control of the situation, pulled his knife out and pointed it at Amanda’s throat. “Get my gun.” He took the keys from the ignition and forced Amanda to climb through the vehicle to retrieve it. He then motioned for her to get out. “Inside the house. You, too. Why are you alive?”

Will retorted: “What made ya think ya could kill a big ol’ black man wid-out a propuh fight first? You lucky my wife ain’t here. She’d a kilt you already.” He shot Will in his good leg. Will fired back, but missed for the pain that was overtaking him.

Thunder Storms (#1 - Semper Fi Series)Where stories live. Discover now