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Today 10:29pm

Okay so i guess guys don't find it
attractive when girls obsess over
other guys.


But to be fair, he did ask what
kind of music I'm into. Sooo

I was like "Justin  Bieber. My daddy"

And I went on saying how inspiring
your music is and stuff and he was
like giving me dirty looks and shit

Like bro you asked what music I'm
into and I told you

It's not like I said I wanted to hop on
papi Bieber's big fat cock and ride it
all night long into the sunset like a

So i don't see the problem lol

But I did talk about you a lot on our
date. Probably not a good move but
if a boy's gonna like me, he's gonna
like me for me

Me talks about you a lot soooo

I* talk about you a lot.. you know
what i meant.

I think it's safe to say I'm never
gonna talk to him again.

Anyways, goodnight.

Today 3:10

I can't sleep

I was thinking about the time I
saw you in concert last year

I remember coming home and
crying myself to sleep lmao

That was the best night of my life
I swear. Like I wasn't that close or
anything but goddamn baby you're
sexy af in person.

Fuck I'm crying now.

Thanks Justin you asshole. It's
your fault you're so perfect. Fuck

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