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Today 12:01am

I always forget how cruel
this fandom can be.

All we do is make dumb
assumptions, accuse people
of terrible things, make
horrible conspiracy theories,
start rumors, over react,
complain, and get jealous
over nothing.

It's so sad.

I'm not going to lie. I was
one of those fans a couple
years back. I'd see photos of
you with Selena and freak
out and send her hate every
five seconds. I would accuse
her for being the reason you
were acting out, assume she
was treating you shitty, assumed
everything. I didn't and still
don't know anything about
her. I can't believe I would do
that. I did it to every girl you
went around. Even Hailey, and
I literally stan her now.

But then I grew up. I grew
up amd realized that it's your
life, not mine. And I realized
I had no say in it whatsoever.
I don't know your reason
behind anything, I don't know
Selena's, I don't know anyone's.
I simply don't know anything
besides the things you guys
decide to make public.

It makes me sick to my stomach
thinking about the horrible
things I said or made up in my
head about people simply
because I was jealous.

I'm older now and I know
that it's not worth potentially
hurting someone's feelings
when it has nothing to do
with me. I know to keep my
mouth shut. I still dislike Selena
simply because I'm human and
there's just gonna be people I
don't know that i don't like. I
always will, dislike herbut it's
for different reasons now.
But, I know that
I have an opinion and I'm
allowed to express it, but not
directly towards the person.
Especially not in a way that
could hurt their feelings.

But now I really know what
it's like to be the other side.

I see people leaving death
threats, calling me a slut,
saying I'm dating you for your
money, insulting my appearance,
and just making up the most
the terrible things I've ever
seen about me.

It's impressive how fast the
comments get to you. I only
imagine how you or any other
celebrity feels. Because you
all get so much more than I do.

It hurts. It really does. I just
didn't expect it to be that
affective, ya know?

It's also kind of amusing seeing
how many people think we're
a couple when all we've done
is have a couple conversations
here and there online.

It's crazy. All you did was
follow me, like, and comment
on a few things and all of
a sudden everyone thinks
Justin Bieber is desperate and
is dating a fan.

I don't know if you could
tell, but I'm normally the
happiest person you'll ever
meet. I'm always smiling,
laughing. People will say a few
rude things here and there and
I'd just smile and walk off like
nothing happened.

But these comments
have put me in such such a
bad mood.

I open my instagram and all
I see is comment after comment
of hate. Sure there's a few
sweet ones here and there,
but it's like the hate is all I see.
I even have hate pages Justin.

I've done nothing wrong but
interact with my idol. With their
idol. I don't deserve any of this.
And there's people literally
calling me a horrible person for
sticking up for myself against
that one account.

I even saw someone say
something like, "Wow the slut
already took over Justin's
life. He's insulting fans just like
her. Relationship goals!11!!

I didn't think I'd get this much
attention for befriending

When you read this, I don't
want you to think this is all
your fault. It's not. It's the fan's
fault for assuming the worst.

On the bright side, I'm just so
glad I got this opportunity to
be your internet friend...

I just can't don't this anymore.
It hurts a lot. So, so much, Justin.

I might be overreacting right
now, but I just don't this
kind of attention.

Not like thjs really affects you.
You don't know me at all. So
you should be fine. I just wanna
go away for a bit and let this
all die down.

But real quick, I just want
you to know that you're my
biggest inspiration. I've looked
up to you for God knows how long.
Thank you for creating music
that I could listen to when I'm
down. Thank you for making me
who I am today. You mean the
world to me. 💜

- - -real world- - -
I stare at my phone for a few minutes, contemplating if I should do it. I got the one in a life time chance to possibly be close friends with my idol and I'm about to throw that all away because I can't handle the pressure of people hating.

Call me a pussy or a cry baby. Say I'm over dramatic and over reacting, but realize that I'm just a normal fangirl like everyone else that just happened to get lucky by getting attention from Justin. I'm not used to it and I don't like it.

I see that Justin read my DMs and see that he's starting to type and I panic. I quickly go to the chat settings and contemplate a little longer before deciding it'd be for the best and press the block option. I'm sorry, Justin. Even though he probably couldn't care less.

Pressing the back button, I see that he got in a message before I had blocked him.


Today 12:37 am

I'm sorry you feel that
way Rosie. I really am.
But it will all eventually
go away if you just ignore
it and continue doing what
you do. You have to show
them that you don't care
what they say and that you're
stronger than that. I really
want to create a strong
friendship with you and get
to know you. I'm sorry
they're like that.I'll be here
for you no matter what.😊


Are you shook bc I'm shook.

Do you think Rosie is over reacting or do you think it was a smart idea?

Anyways, thanks for reading!

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