Chapter 8: Is It Too Late To Turn Back?

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A/N: Another Edit Update and another day. I'm craving churros but I can't go to the flea market 😭

Pitifully starving, Lilly.

Harry POV:

Can I change my mind?

I was pitifully being crushed into uncle Thor's arms while everyone else snickered.

"Uncle Thor, Let meh downnn~" I whined, my legs were dangling two feet off the ground.

I turned to uncle Loki with puppy eyes, "help me, uncle Loki! Please~" I begged.

"You got into this mess, so get yourself out of it." He retorted, greatly amused.

It was uncle Loki's fault anyways! Telling uncle Thor I was leaving forever, stupid god of mischief.

I patted uncle Thor's back, "It's okay uncle Thor! I'll be back for Fall break! I'll even visit the Stark Tower, so please let me down."

Thor sniffed, "really?!" He boomed.

"Yes!" I promised.

He finally set me down and I rubbed my sore ribs, "you hug too tight uncle Thor, please be a little more gentle next time." I pleaded him.

He brightly grinned in response, "Alright young Harry, see you then."

After getting mercilessly hugged (i.e. mugged) I came out looking like I got attacked by vicious animals.

I ran a hand through my messy hair with a fond annoyed smile. "Bye everyone! Love yah~"

"Are you ready?" Mom asked, I nodded and held onto the envelope which was also my international portkey to Hogwarts.


I landed in front of the gates of Hogwarts, thank god.

My parents had taken me to buy my school supplies which were all high quality (because I deserve no less apparently).

Mom also reluctantly and sneered in distaste when picking up my required Hogwarts uniforms.

I had also gotten five cloaks(robes), 2 winter cloaks, and 3 school cloaks made with dragonhide since mom was very paranoid and worried about me going back to Hogwarts.

Of course dad paid for everything and even opened a trust vault for me (even though I still had my Potter one).

Dad had me put the Potter Vaults into lockdown until I turned 17 and deemed old enough to take care of my own finances.

And since I'm still a minor, my parents would pay for everything I needed.

I even changed my Potter vault key as the old ones were reclaimed and destroyed.

It was better safe than sorry.

I even got myself a pet snow owl, she was a feisty little thing. I decided to call her Hedwig. (In this story, Hagrid never gave Hedwig to Harry as a gift, but rather a picture of his parents.)

Dad mentioned that Stark was an old name and that Slyvers (my maternal grandmother's name) was even more well known in the wizarding world.

It's unfortunate grandma died before I got to meet her.

They also mentioned that as I was an American citizen most of their "official" laws couldn't touch me without MACUSA* interfering.

Anyways, staring at the gate, I promptly looked around and noticed no one had come to greet me.

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