Chapter 22

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A/N: I would like to remind you guys that Voldemort is dead. He's never coming back because I'm a lazy bee-otch. Also Hermione will redeem herself one day(if I'm not lazy) Also ideas brought to you by @BunnyMoony

Hadrian was once again laying down near the black lake when he heard someone yelling out his name.

"Hadrian! Hadrian! HADRIAN!", shooting up at the familiar voice. Turning to the voice he was surprised to see his mom standing a few feet away in all her glory.

"Mom? What are you doing here?", he asked confused. She ignored his question and grined widely at him, "They caught him! They finally caught that fucking bastard!".

"Mom what are you talking about? Who got caught?", he asked still confused.

"PETTIGREW! That freaking bastard who got your godfather stuck in jail", she exclaimed. Hadrian felt excited his uncle Sirius was finally going to be free! He grew up hearing stories about his uncle Sirius, who was conviently a distance cousin of his dad. Apparently the Blacks didn't appreciate squibs, but whatever.

"Mom that's great news, so when are we going to get him?!", he asked trying to contain his excitement. They tried to get Sirius out of jail, but the stupid Merlin wannabe kept blocking their path.

However, ever since Dumbledore had been dosed with the semi-permanent truth serum, every time he lied he would spit out the truth and wouldn't even notice, he been spouting out brutal truths left and right. He even made a few kids cry, which made him very unpopular and too bad for him a few of the children where heirs who told their very angry and upset parents.

His mother grabbed him and pulled him to the headmasters office where they would go for the trial. You must wondering why they haven't stopped him from coming, well that was part of their plan. Not only can they free Sirius they can also get Dumbledore in some really deep shit. It's like killing two birds with one stone.

Once they arrived to Dumbledore's office the duo gave the Merlin wannabe a discrete glare at him and his terrible sense of clothing, after all Katherine was a fashion designer.

Flooing to the Ministry of Magic they ran towards security where they checked their wands and let them go. Though Dumbledore insulted one of the security guard's child and was getting an earful. Finally after much waiting, it was time for the final showdown.
. . .

Sirius was surprised to see a boy who looked similar to his godson Harry, turning to the woman next him he felt his breath hitch.

"Katherine?", he murmured. He was a bit surprised when she gave him a smile and signed to him that the boy next to her was Harry him godson. Yes signed, as in sign language, something Katherine forced him to learn. If it was such a serious situation, Katherine would have laughed at Sirius' comical wide eyes and agape face.

You must be wondering how they knew each other. Well when Sirius was 19 he met Tony and with him was his fiancee Katherine at a hotel bar. And from there on they all seemed to click, and when they found out that Tony and him were related.

They laughed at the irony and they all got drunk that day for the hell of it. And now here he was, after 14 years of being stuck in a hell hole wishing he hadn't switched places with Pettigrew and watched his  godson instead of giving him away for revenge.

She gave him a tearful smile before he was brought into the court room. Turning to HIS godson, he felt his heart lighter than ever when his beloved godson gave him a heartfelt smile. Then he turned to Dumbledore and felt a spark of hatred towards him and he was glad when he saw the two people he loved glaring at the oblivious old coot. Walking into the court room he took a deep breath and faced his heathens. It was now or never.

After half an hour of yelling bloody murder and arguing. They were about to announce what Sirius and Pettigrew pleaded when Dumbledore blurted out that made everyone gasp and turned to the horrified and rapidly paling man they once worshipped.

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