Chapter 21

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A/N: I'm sorry if it seems shitty, its been 3 months since I last touched this book. My apologies. 😅

The Starks and Greengrasses high fived each other, and talked about their next plan.

That plan was to get Dumblydoor to get off their back, but mostly off of Hadrian's back before he suspects him to be Harry Potter and to destroy his reputation.

Walking to their room Hadrian and Daphne were murmuring details to the rest of the group when they bumped into the victim of their plans. Abruptly stopping they gave Dumbledore a fake smile before walking away. However before they took no more than five steps, the next thing that came out of Dumbledore's mouth made their blood run cold and curse. 'There goes one plan they all thought...', they all thought.

"Harry, my boy, it's not nice to play hide 'n seek, you can run but you can't hide", Dumbledore said with a wide grin and twinkling eyes. Before they even got to protest, he was gone. The only ones there in the hallway was them and their fast beating hearts.

Sharing a look they all ran Hadrian's and Daphne's private rooms. "Oh shit shit shit... SHIT!", Hadrian exclaimed pacing around the room worried and frustrated. Daphne tried to clam down her fiance with Luna. Meanwhile the twins with Neville mirror called their parents.

After a few rings the Greengrasses and the Starks picked up. "Hello?", they both said and before they knew it the parents were being bombarded with frantic answers. Katherine having enough of their blabbering yelled, "QUIET!", everyone shut up and looked at Katherine including the Greengrasses in which Neville faced the mirror towards his honorary aunt.

"Okay now that everyone has calmed down, Luna sweetheart can you tell me what happened", Luna smiled at the nickname before it dropped as she told the adults what happened.

It was an understatement that all four adults were angry, no they were Furious! How dare that Merlin wannabe silently threaten their son/in-law! Suddenly Katherine had a sinister and a mischievous grin on her face, everyone who saw it shivered and felt a bit bad for Dumbledore. After telling Tony her plan he too bore a similar look. Soon everyone in the room had mischievous grins on their faces. It is safe to say this is one big crazy family.

Dumbledore you better watch your back!

Dumbledore who was sitting in his office alone with a fake version of Fawkes suddenly felt a shiver down his back. Worried he looked at his little micanics on on his desk and noticed nothing was wrong. Waving it off he went back to sucking his lemon drops. 

What he didn't noticed was a happy mischievous royal Phoenix switch his lemon drops with a slow acting drugged lemon drops.

Quietly flashing out of the room and to his master. Hadrian cuddled the bird in his arms, Fawkes quite enjoyed his familiar's and everyone's praises and attention. The Starks and the Greengrasses shared one last mischievous smiles before leaving for their own rooms.

Hadrian and Daphne cuddled on their couch in front of the fireplace with Loki(the Kneazle) and Fawkes in their arms.

Dumbledore had no idea what hit him, literally until he couldn't hold it in and told the truth about what he thought about McGonagall's ass until she slapped him in the face and huffed away embarrassed.

Dumbledore just stood in the middle of his room horrified and felt himself pale. 'Shite', he thought to himself.

Meanwhile at the Stark mansion, Katherine was gleefully dancing around the mansion while her husband watched drinking his fire whisky and just shrugged at his wife's antics before turning his attention back to his drinks.

It wasn't until he felt a small slender hand grope his face and lips connecting to his. Pulling his wife up he ran to their bedroom and quickly told J.A.R.V.I.S to make sure that no one was to not interrupt them.

If it only took to fuck up Dumbledore to have a sexy time then he would glady destroy Dumbledore!

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