Chapter 9: Endurance

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A/N: Another Edited chapter completed, yippie~

Please Enjoy~


Harry POV:

I smiled (i.e. grimaced). "I'm Hadrian Stark, if you haven't heard." I told the dark skinned Italian.

He gave me a boyish grin in return, "Blaise Zabini. Pleasure to meet you. You can call me Blaise."

Great. He's already getting familiar with me, "Okay, Blaise. You can call me Hadrian in return." I simply told him. We engaged in small talk, though I only paid half attention as I paid more attention at my treacle tart.

Oh how I missed thee.

I might have to ask one of the kitchen house-elves for the recipe for Johnny.

I felt Daphne elbow me, "Hmph, yes Daph?" I asked, giving her the attention she clearly wanted from me.

"I'm finished." She showed me the completed rubix's cube. I patted her head, "Congratulations." I complimented her.

Blaise turned to me after talking to some other Slytherin I didn't care to name. "Is it true?" He asked.

"What's true?" I retorted. How am I supposed to know what you meant by that if you're being so vague.

"Your parents being squibs." He responded after a moment of thought.

I simply nodded, "Yeah one. My dad, so? Got a problem with that?" I gave him a dangerous blank stare.

He quickly shook his head obviously trying not to offend me, "No-no, I was just curious. No need to get mad." He tried to placate me.

Good, or else there would be one less pureblood sitting next to me. I thought darkly to myself.

"A son of a squib?! A disgrace!" Some dumbass shouted.

Great the blonde pimp.

"Pale blonde hair, ugly sneer, arrogant with daddy issues. My oh my, you must be..." I mockingly gasp. "A Malfoy."

He turned red in anger or embarrassment? I couldn't care less.

"Why you!" He shouted offended.

Some of the Slytherins looked amused at the blonde, while others watched on disgusted by the blonde's behavior.

Where was his manners, they were strictly raised with civilized manners. How unbecoming.

"Do you know who you're talking to!" He questioned angrily. "I'm Draco Malfoy."

I bit into my treacle tart unamused. I chewed slowly, watching as Draco turned angrier by the minute.

I swallowed and let Daphne wipe my mouth, I looked up at the fuming blonde uninterestedly, "So?" I replied.

He growled at my response, how cute. Like an angry chihuahua.

"I'm a Malfoy!" He spat, as if that meant something to me.

Fine if he wants to play like this, I gently moved Daphne off my lap and onto the bench away from the delusional Malfoy.

"And I'm a Stark." I told him slowly, so he could comprehend what I was saying. He still was spitting mad, fine a double kill it was.

"I'm also a Slyvers from my mom's side." I hummed nonchalantly.

Gasps and shocked noises could be heard. Grandmother was quite famous among nobles and purebloods alike, so it didn't surprise me they knew my grandmother.

"S-slyvers." Draco stuttered in surprise before paling.


"What's going on here?" a velvety voice "asked".

And here comes the domineering bat of the dungeons. Fan-(f*cking)-tastic.

Draco all of a sudden regained his strength, "Professor Snape! Stark has been slandering me but all I did was try to offer my friendship!" the little shit lied.

The Slytherins watched with disbelieving eyes, they were supposed to have each others back when no one else will. Not stab each other in the back, disgraceful.

"Is that so?" Snape retorted mockingly.

"Yes!" Draco nodded, looking at his fellow snakes for back up. Only to receive no support and cold looks.

He broke out into a sweat, this wasn't going as he planned.

Snape looked at everyones reaction then looked at me with a raised eyebrow as if waiting for me to foolishly defend my honor.

But I didn't and bit into another treacle tart, I might have to start my running regime sooner than latter, I thought looking at the high caloric fatty foods.

How are they not diabetics? Maybe I should write about this on my blog I though absentmindedly.

Snape looked at the relaxed new Slytherin and the huffing mad Malfoy, he sneered.

His godson is a foolish child that should pay attention to social status.

The Stark boy obviously ranked higher in the hierarchy when it came to elite titles. A Slyvers, this child had more wealth to live 50 life times without needing to work a day in his life and that's not including his Stark fortune.

The boy had a family of "superheroes" Snape smiled mockingly, but conceded since he knew they could easily smite him if he damage one single hair on the brat.

"Sit down Malfoy, you're disturbing the peace. Detention tomorrow after classes at 6:00pm sharp." Snape sneered at the gaping Malfoy.

"W-what?! Professor Snape!" Draco stuttered in disbelief as the dark haired professor walk away without a moment of pause.

Draco turned to Harry with a burning glare, "I'll tell my father about this!" He hissed before storming out of the great hall.

Once he left I turned to the other Slytherins, "How do you deal with such arrogance?" I questioned them.

They just looked at me unamused, "we endure."

I gave them pitting looks, poor guys.


A/N: I change Draco and Snape's personality a bit from the original because I felt they were a bit too ooc.

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