Chapter 17

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Third POV
After enjoying their time at the beach, making sandcastles and playing in the water the family of five packed up and drove home. Upon arriving home they heard a frantic owl tapping on the glass. Quickly Harry ran up to the owl, recognizing it as Luna's and relieved the owl of its burden. After giving it a treat and water the owl flew to a nearby perch. While Hadrian opened the letter.

Dear Harry,

Help I'm in need of help, my father has finally kicked the bucket and is currently in St. Mungos. The Child service agents are planning on sending to the Magical orphanage. I don't know what to do?! Please help Harry. My floo address is Lovegood House.
     Sincerely, Luna Lovegood


Hadrian saw that there were a few tear stains, smudging the words, He set the letter down and ran to the floo and yelled "LOVEGOOD HOUSE!", leaving his bewildered family. His mother picked up the discarded letter and read it out loud, after reading it everyone looked grim. Just then Hadrian came out of the floor with the said girl in tow, who looked like a total disaster.

The family quickly went up to them, and demanded to know what happened. Harry explained that her father was stuck in St Mungos hospital and most likely won't get get Luna back, because although he did not physically abuse her, he did so verbally and because of his lost of custody, she was to be sent to an orphanage. By the end of his explanation everyone was angry and worried for the young girl.

The poor girl burst into tears again. Tony their father picked up the girl and rocked her back and forth trying to soothe her, along with Katherine and soon Luna fell asleep, sniffling once in a while.

They set her down in the guest bedroom before Katherine called everyone down for a family meeting. "It has come to our attention that this girl needs a family -", Katherine started. "- And we are willingly to adopt her if we have your approvals", Tony finished, before looking at them for their responses.

"OF COURSE WE DON'T MIND!", the three yelled in approval. "She was already like a sister to us anyways", said Hadrian, while the twins nodded in agreement. Their mothers face bloomed into a smile and squealed in delight chanting about finally having a daughter to play dress up with.

Suddenly they went quiet hearing the ruffles of bedsheets coming from the guest room. "Harry?", a soft voice called out. Hadrian swiftly got up and walked into a room, the other four stood outside the door and heard Hadrian explaining their decision, after a while they heard crying, then a few sniffles following after.

After a few minutes they heard a few shuffling noises and a few foot steps, and finally Hadrian came out holding a red eyed Luna in tow. She looked up at them and asked in a meek soft hopeful voice, "Do you really want to adopt me?", when they all said yes the girl bursted into tears and the family came into a group hug.

Just then they heard a popping crack sound and all jumped back and pulled out their wand pointing it at a scared Child Service worker, after explaining her presence, she explained the details instilled to adopt a magical child. After a long boring chat they finally came to agreement and yada yada yada whatever. They all came to a conclusion that Luna would also be blood adopted along side with the twins in two days.

The family of six now spent the whole day getting to know each other, and by the end out the day Katherine some how dressed all the boys in dresses and they also found out that Luna only acted "looney" because she was afraid to get hurt but it ended up hurting her even more, she agreed to open up and stop using the act so much. Also Luna opened up and called Tony "Daddy", in which he responded calling her "Daddy's little princess", and she called Katherine "Mummy", in which she was called "sweetie".

The boys dotted her and was very protective even if they got to really know each other for one day. They all went to sleep that day happy, unaware of the threat looming upon them back in England.

Harry Potter's Other Aunt!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon