Chapter 24 | The End

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Hadrian's POV:

Today was the day, I was finally getting married. Looking at myself dressed in my finest and most expensive wedding robes. I took in a deep breath as my dad patted my back in reassurance. After taking a few more deep breaths, I checked myself in the mirror one last time before heading to the altar where I would be making my biggest commitment in life truly and forever official.

You must be wondering what happened when I left back to America, well they followed me back to the States and we finished our school years. The twins refused to take heir ship of the Stark business and open their own joke shop in the American equivalent of Diagon Alley and was a huge success in no time. Daphne and I continued our education and at the age 26 we finally decided to get married. So here we are.

After a few more minutes with hundreds of guest filing in and sitting in their assigned seats, the 'here comes the bride' music started playing making my heart pound. Suddenly in came the bride and everyone went silent and watched the bride as she steadily walk towards me with her father.

'My, my, she was so beautiful with her long blonde hair pinned into a bun with a small tiara placed on her head. Her white wedding dress hugged all her curves in the right places, she was absolutely stunning. I was shaken out of my daze when Fred nudged me in the ribs with his elbow.

After saying our vows and 'I dos' I can finally happily say that I'm a married man now. Pulling my beautiful wife into a kiss the whole wedding Hall bursted into cheers as my embarrassed wife bury her face into my chest making me chuckle.

. . .

During our reception we greeted all the guest, and when we finally made it to our parents. My mom pulled me into a hug and bursted into tears telling me how proud she was, as did my father and the rest of the Avengers. Sitting next to my lovely wife as many speeches were given out, it was our turn to give one to each other. Grabbing the enchanted microphone I said, "Daphne my love, I am so happy we bumped into each other all those years ago, because without you I probably wouldn't have returned to Hogwarts and get Luna, Fred, and George adopted. You were always there for me through thick and thin and for that I am forever grateful you gave this nerd a try and agreed to be the love of my life. Cheers to LOVE!", I finished with a cheer.

Daphne smiled and gave me her speech which brought many into tears especially my mom who cried to my dad's shoulder. While everyone mingled I felt a nudge on my arm, looking down at my wife curiously. She handed me an envelope and said nothing just giving me a small smile.

Curious I opened the letter and felt my jaw drop. Quickly rereading to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. I turned to Daphne with wide eyes and put my hand on her stomach and exclaimed, "YOU'RE PREGNANT!". Everyone in the room stopped and looked at the couple in shock until Katherine happily yelled, "FINALLY GRAND BABIES!!!", effectively breaking the silence. Everyone congratulated them but Hadrian didn't care and kissed the love of his life, for being with him and for giving him a family of his own. He didn't notice tears falling down his face until his wife wiped them away, his life was finally complete.

The End.

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