Chapter 29: Talking Back

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Lalaura

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Wow. This is hard.

I growled annoyingly.

I've been spending forever trying to catch my stupid thumb.

Ugh! It won't stop moving!

Seriously, I felt like taking a fork and stabbing my thumb and maybe even cooking it on a flame like a sausage.

One more time, I thought with some hope.

My thumb was about to catch my other one when the stupid thumb jerked back again.


I furiously grabbed the pencil and before I could stab that thumb two large hands stopped me by grabbing my hands in theirs'.

My eyes slowly went up to meet Will's face, and I felt myself instantly calm down.

"What are you doing?" he asked with a weary look.

I smirked, an evil grin spreading on my face, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Umm.....yes?" he asked, questioning himself.

"Well," I breathed out going closer to him that our noses almost touched, "Good thing I'm not going to tell you!"

He pouted for a second before sighing, and pulling my chair closer to him.

Just then, our teacher seemed to want to make his appearance carrying a cup of coffee, and a large brown book.

I wanted to take that book and smash it against his face.

After him, Chance slowly walked into the classroom.

Why was he late?

He lazily made his way to his desk, which happened to be the seat in front of me.

My foot somehow managed to kick the back of his chair as his head snapped towards me.

"What?" he whispered as Garson began putting his things in his office.

I raised my eyebrows back at him, "What?"

"You kicked my chair!" he said.

I held my hands up and backed away, making sure to keep my back clear away from the head of the chair, "I didn't kick your chair!"

He sigh/chuckled before shaking his head and turning around.

"I think that kids going crazy," I whispered leaning into Will's side.

"I think your right!" he whispered back chuckling.

I looked at his, stupefied, "Of course I am!"

He nodded smiling at me.

Sighing I leaned back again, "Hey, Willy? You wanna do me a favor?"

He rose one of his eyes brows and before I could poke it, he caught my hand gently in his, "It depends. Does it involve hurting someone?"

I shook my head with an innocent expression, "Nope!"

He sighed in defeat, "Okay! Shoot...."

"Well," I stretched my 'I', "I really really really want a baby wild boar!"

I couldn't stop the squeal that escaped my lips just thinking about them.

Baby wild boars were SOx5 cute!

He opened his mouth to say something, but then Garson decided to come out of his office.

Why couldn't god accidentally make him drop his coffee, then he'll run around screaming and hit his head on something hard, and officially move onto the dark side?

Werewolf Academyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें