Chapter 6

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Namjoon jealous face

Namjoon POV

After cyan hyung called roseanne well....It was kinda awkward.

Oh christ. Namjoon why would you even do that?! Are you even thinking straight?

She's your freakin student, I mean I'm not her teacher but I'm her tutor and oh no. I'll just forget it and think that it doesn't happen.

I went out of the room and saw cyan and sean hyung eating junkfoods.

"Hmmm....I smell something" I've heard sean hyung said

"FISHYYYYY" cyan hyung repeated

I just look at them with the question look in my face.

"You know what namjoon, we are her brothers and we knew that roseanne isn't interested in studying" cyan hyung said

"Roseanne awhile ago is irritated and I think there's something" sean hyung said

Sean hyung come closer to me, as if he's inspecting me.

"Hmmmm...." he said

"You know what, you got it all wrong" i laughed "she's so interesting in the topic so she was focused but you disturbed her that's why she's irritated"

Breath namjoon. Calm down.

"Okay, as you said." Cyan hyung said "we're just going to check the CCTV footage then"


"Wait wait, no, you can't do that" I said "you're invading our privacy"

"Luh? It's for safety purpose" this time cyan hyung laugh "let's see...."

"Noooo" I said and hold their shoulders

"Okay, I'll explain it" I said and breathe in and out "but promise me not to watch it or even mention it to her"

They just nodded

"Well....we we're getting to know each other and she's asking science related questions... I answered her and she thought that I was cheating so she checked my pockets and you know the face is near and then cyan hyung called her" I embarrassingly said "please don't say it to anyone"

They just smiled at me and I gave them a why-are-you-laughing look

"You know what our sister dont entertain other guys since she has a boyfriend" cyan hyung said

I clenched my jaws.. she has a boyfriend?

"High school you mean" sean hyung said and laugh "he left our fat sister haha"

"But now he's here." cyan hyung said

"Ops...are we triggering someone?" Sean hyung said as if he's pointing me

I just smiled. They left and said they're going somewhere. And because I wanna confirm the bf thing I walked toward the living room and hide.

"Bat ka bumalik?" Roseanne said while looking at the ceiling

I cannot understand what she said but my blood boils by just looking at the guy. I was so shocked when I saw them kissing each other. I quickly leave the room and went back to the study room.

Oh christ. Namjoon you're so stupid. Why would that girl even like you? And for christ's sake, you two just met, you can't be attracted to her that fast.

She's taken Namjoom for christ's sake. she was just playing with you. Nothing more, nothing less.

I grab my phone from my pocket and called Yoongi hyung. He's known to be lazy but he's good at giving advice because he's honest at everything

"Annyeong rm" he said, he sound so tired and I feel guilty "" what do you need?

"" Yoongi hyung help me

"" Ne, what happened? He asked

"" teaching this girl and christ I shyly said "" I think I kinda like her but she's taken

"Namjoon.." he said and stop for a while "" You might just be attracted to her but like? Well I think it's not capable....spend more time with her and try to sort out things and if ever you really like her then you make space because she's taken hehehhe

"" Make space?I curiously ask

"" Ne, space between a tutor and student, you came for money and not for that he lazily answered

"" Thank you hyung, I know that I can always count on you I said and ended the call

I breathe deeply

I went down and saw her smiling but I just ignored her. Not because on what happened a while ago. Yeah keep lying to yourself. I think ignoring her is the best way than spending time with her. She's taken and after all I came here for money and not for something more.

Being Kim Namjoon's student Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ