1- First Day Of Senior Year

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A/N that kinda what I expect Haley to look like.
Well hello everyone and welcome to my story. YAY! I finally started making it. Well here it is. BTW it's 2013 in this story. There may be bunches of fetus don't judge. And sorry if my writing is bad this is my first time writing a story.

Hey everybody. I'm Haley, it's pronounced Hayley but my mom wanted to be unique *insert eye roll*, and Im 17 but 18 on October 31st. I know I have have the luckiest birthday ever. I live in London. Now I'm gonna tell you what my life is like. You probably don't care but your reading this so I'm gonna tell you anyway. If you don't like that, leave (please don't).

Well I have a blog that's been getting quite popular recently. I've recently started vlogging on YouTube. My life hasn't been the greatest. Before your like it's another one of those stories where she is abused,its not.

The thing is about my life it may seem perfect but man can't wait to get a place of my own and leave. Well I'm just gonna flat out say it, I hate my family. The amount of times I exerted energy just to try and be around them and do something for some bonding time is ridiculous (I'm hoping I used exerted right, never been the best at grammar). The amount of times I've asked and gotten no is ridiculous.

So moving on from the sappy stuff...
I don't have many friends but I like it that way. In the past year I've made one good friend, actually my best friend, in school named Piper. Every thought I have she somehow knows and I know every thought she has. Some scary poop right? I know.

Well that's all. Probably will discover more things about me along the way but yeah. ONTO THE STORY!

Haley's pov

Katy Perry's on replay, she's on replay,
Dj got the floor to shake, the floor to shake,
People goin all the way, yeah all the way.
I'm still wide awake

Ugh. No I'm not wide awake shut the fudge up.

I wanna stay up all night and jump around until we see the sun

Well I guess now I'm up.
I finally got out of bed and hit my alarm clock.
I HATE getting up early especially for school. I mean if I have to get up early it might as well be exciting.

"Hurry your butt up Haley and get out of bed" mom yells upstairs.

"I'm up already"
"Sheesh woman" but that I had to mumble or I get yelled at even more.

I know what your thinking, I'm lazy and want to stay and sleep all day. But on the contrare my friend, I just value my sleep to a high amount more than average people.

I enter the bathroom and start to take off my clothes. Spending easily 10 minutes trying to find the perfect water temperature I began to actually shower. Once I got out of the shower I grabbed my towel and put on my outfit for the most dreaded school day. Aka the 1st day of school. (A/N this is the outfit she is wearing)

 (A/N this is the outfit she is wearing)

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I decide to let my hair air dry today. Making the bold choice I decided to skip makeup today.

And me being the immature might as well be 2 year old I am, I went sliding down the steps bumping along. I finally got to the bottom.

Dang why does this hurt less when your little.

Probably because when your younger you tend to have a higher pain tolerance.

Why is my brain smart but I'm not smart speaking. If only I talked how you talked out loud.

My turn to ask a question.

Go for it!

Why are you have a conversation with yourself?

And I did it again way to go Haley. Woopdeedoo! Sarcasm intended.

I went skipping into the kitchen to fetch a bowl of my all time favorite cereal. FROSTIES!!!
yes I get excited about food.

By the time I'm finished it's time to head off to school.

"bye family" I yell hoping they'll hear me. I left before I could get the chance to hear them respond.

I got in my car and started driving to Piper's house to pick her up.

*10 minutes later*

"Hey hals" Piper exclaimed.

"how in the world could you be so perky in the morning. I mean it's not like you drink coffee."

"well hello to you too"

"ugh, fine. Hi Pip. Better?"

"Loads, so ready for the 1st day of senior year"

"as ready as I could possibly be for school"

"that's the spirit!"

*5 minutes later*

After singing along to the radio,we arrived at school, yay.

"THE GREATEST PEOPLE HAVE ARRIVED" Pip shouted so loud I think she worsened my hearing.

"Pip shut the bloody hell up."

"cmon let's go and get crackalackin."

"can you promise me something."

"what is it hals" she asks very concerned.

"Never and I mean Never say that again."

"well someone's grumpy today" right after she said that she crossed her arms and pouted.

*after school*

"Finally I'm out of here!" I exclaimed.

"now look who's the perky one" Pip sassed at me. I just shot her a glare.

"well time to get rid of you and drop you off at your house and then I'm off to work" I told her.

"now you want to get rid of me"

"Pip please... I always want to get rid of you. Let's go!"

*5 minutes later*

"Bye Pip"

"Bye Hays"

Now I'm off to work. You may be wondering where I work. Even if your not Im still telling you cause we are talking about me not you. Well I work at wait for it... A BAKERY! I know you were probably thinking I worked at Nandos. Well this isn't like all those normal fanfics, life isn't like fanfictions, sadly.

A/N Yay 1st chapter done! Let me know what you think of it. Critique me please and be as honest as possible.
Let me know if you think that it's long enough, honestly I think it is quite long.
What will happen at her work? Will anything exciting happen in the next chapter?
I'll be updating as soon as I possibly can. I will eventually work out a schedule, but until then just be on the look out.

Are you and your best friend like Haley and Piper? If so which one are you more of?

Love you guys




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