3- Singing And Tears

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Harry pov

Haley is gorgeous but I can also tell the other boys like her. I've got to make a move fast before one of them get in the way. She just so different from everyone else I've ever met.

Zayn pov

She's definitely the prettiest person I've seen in the longest time. I just got to find a way and make her mine.

Liam pov

She seem so nice and normal but at the same time she isn't normal. That probably made no sense.

Niall pov

I can tell the rest of the boys like her and not a brotherly way. Harry or Zayn will probably end up with her, they tend to be more popular with girls. But she is such a nice and sweet person. I hope she likes me cause I really like her.

Louis pov

She is easily the sweetest person I've ever met. She's also cute and adorable which is a plus. I don't want to freak her out though by telling her I like her. I mean I just met her, that would be to much for her. I wonder if she's a directioner.

"I gonna go and call my mom or one of my siblings and tell them I'm staying here. I'll step outside real quick" she said interrupting my thoughts.

"okay we'll be in the living room if you need anything" Liam responded.

With that she walked outside to make her calls real quick. We went and sat in the living room like we said.

"she's pretty" Harry said.

"yeah she definitely is" the rest of us said in unison. After that we sat there in silence for a while thinking until Liam spoke up.

"we will not let her tear our friendship apart. Whoever she likes if any of us is her choice, alright everyone" Liam said specifically looking at Harry. Of course daddy direction had to step in.

"alright" we responded.

"so who do you think she might like" zayn asked.

"who do you guys think who likes" haley came asking walking in. I guess she was done making her calls.

Haley pov

I really didn't go to call my mom, she'll figure I'm at a friends house. What I really did is go to call Piper.

"cmon pick up already" I was mumbling to myself.

"hey haley" I heard the bright and cheery voice I was hoping for. "what do you need."

" this is important, please don't scream" I replied.

"what did you do now" she asked whining with a hint of curiosity in her voice.

"I didn't do anything. The question you should be asking is what happened while I was at work"

"ugh, fine. What happened at work?"

"the Niall horan and the Louis tomlinson came to the bakery. And I'm not finished there. They asked for normal bakery things of course and after I locked everything up my car was out of gas."

"of course it was you irresponsible little turd. Wait you met NIALL AND LOUIS AT THE SAME TIME. THEY'RE YOUR FAVORITE MEMBERS."

"hold on let me finish. Well like i said my car was dead to the world, they saw that and offered me a ride. And wait for it" I was waiting a bit to make a dramatic pause.

"spit it out already woman"


I had to move my phone away from my ear because she was screaming.

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