The Spell

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Patrick and Xavier arrive back without trouble. Xavier is antsy where as Patrick is panicky, he's never done a spell like this before. Plus he's doing a White Spell, which may not work because he's a Dark Sorcerer, however he can't tell Xavier that the Spell might not work.

"Come, come. What will you need?" Xavier asks in a hurry, not realizing that it was past midnight.

"Xavier, we can go tomorrow, but for now we need to rest. We will need as much energy as we can." With that he headed up to the guests rooms while Xavier sulked to his room on the top floor.


I'm the morning Xavier practically ran into Patrick as he ran down the stairs still trying to get on his shirt. Patrick sighs looking up at the alpha.

"Have you even told anyone you arrived back?" Patrick asks Xavier.

"They know, they could hear and smell me." Xavier brushes off Patrick. "Now, tell me what we need." He demands of the sorcerer. Patrick rolls his eyes and begins walking downstairs reading off a list.

"Five white candles, one praying amulet, OH! And one quartz. We have hot water here... so do we have ginger, turmeric, holy basil, devil's claw," but before he could continue Xavier interrupted.

"Shush. Give me a list and I'll get everything we need. You just get ready." Xavier demands as he walks towards the from door, bypassing pack members heading towards the kitchen for breakfast.

"Wait! Do you happen to know what the moon will be tonight?" Patrick yells.

"Of course I do. It's the full moon, why?" Xavier responds over his shoulder, stopping at the doors to listen to Patrick.

"Good, the Spell is strongest on a full moon." Was all his reply. Xavier nodded once before bolting out the door to a SUV he grabbed the keys to.

Once at the store he looked the lost he took from Patrick.

Items needed-

*Five white candles
*One praying amulet
*One quartz
*Hot water
*Ginger, turmeric, holy basil, devil's claw, birch leaf, wintergreen oil, white willow bark, capsaicin, gamma-linolenic acid, aquamin, arnica, boswellia, and bromelain
*Mortar and pestle

"Okay... so I'm assuming he has the amulet and quartz..." Xavier mutters to himself before diving into his search for herbs.

About two hours later he found everything, including quartz just in case Patrick didn't have it. Xavier makes his way back to the house where his members were all suspiciously quiet. When he walked in José walked up to him.

"Why is everything so quiet?" Xavier asks, in a semi whisper.

"Patrick, the guy you brought, requested we all shut up so he could meditate and study some Spell you are having him do." He says quietly to his alpha.

"Thank you." Xavier whispers before sniffing his way to the sorcerer; he was on the upstairs porch eyes closed and wind blowing around him.

"Did you get everything?" He asks, Patrick's voice completely calm and collected.

"Yes. Except for the amulet, I assumed-"

"Yes, I have the amulet. Don't worry. Now we must make the mixture." Patrick says slowly opening his eyes. "Lets go." They walk downstairs where with a nod of Xavier the pack is back to normal. But, instead of stopping in the kitchen, he keeps going to the backyard. "Grab so hot water please." Patrick asks over his shoulder. Xavier gets it before following the sorcerer with all the items needed.

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