His Nightmare

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Xavier's army start up the fighting once more behind us, taking on the wall of demons that had kept them from going to our side battle. Beside me however are those I never thought I'd see again. My heart soars as I see Sophie point and her wolf attacks while she takes on another imminent threat. The pairs go back to back while the single group of three, Jake and his family, form a smaller circle taking on demons left and right.

Soon however, we take out the smaller demons that got in our way. Now my team faces Lucifer's. Zed to my left, Xavier to my right. On either side of them powerful beings sent from the moon goddess stand tall. Eyes never wavering as they look upon their enemy.

"So you plan to take me out with a group of ghosts?!" He sneers. "Pathetic!" His eyes hold unattended rage.

"And you plan to take me out with a sex demon, talking trash can, sleeping beauty, guard dog, Oscar the grou-" He cuts off my taunting rant with a shout of anger slamming his fist onto the ground releasing an ear splitting crack as the earth opens. "C'mon! You don't have to break the earth! Stop throwing a temper tantrum." I mock, ignoring the sting as my blood and sweat mix, trailing down my body.

"You better watch your mouth!" He roars again, wings sprouting wider and longer, small hook like bones protruding at the joint  his eyes flash a scary looking glint.

"Or what? You'll torture me? We all know how well that tu-" before I could finish my sarcastic comment he had me by the throat, slamming my head back into the earth. A small crater spreads out from my head, my army makes a move to surge forward but I give a subtle shake of my head.

"This ones mine." I gasp out wrapping my hands around his wrists, slowly but surely prying them off, enjoying the glimmer of shock from Lucifer. "Take out the rest!" I shout jerking my head to the six. As if on cue Satan releases his hold on Leviathan, the creature charges letting out ferocious howls.

The six go to meet my group as I throw off Lucifer. He goes flying, sending his wings out to catch him as he lands in a crouch. Rocks and grass shooting out as he skids back due to the force of my throw. If steam could exit his nose right now, he'd be fogging up every widow and mirror around. I slowly, calmly, lift myself up, relieved to see Xavier keeping stray lower class demons at bay with Zed's help, allowing my angelic army to deal with the biggies.

Out of the corner of my eyes I see Gabe, Jake, Luke and Tyler all taking on that of Leviathan, their wolves acting as herding dogs keeping the monster inside their range of light. I could see it defeating slowly; it was a pattern I saw all over the battle ground. Their wolves would hold down the demon and a bright blinding light would leave their hearts and engulf the demon, slowly chipping at their power.

Lucifer takes my distraction as a chance as he flies towards me, long obsidian like claws growing out of no where to slash out at me. I move quicker than he could see, barely catching the ends of his claws against my chest; trails of red trail across my collarbone and to the top of my breasts. I hiss out, silver eyes snapping to his as he pants grinning victoriously. His gaze was feral, psychotic, as if refusing to admit defeat even as his ranks dwindled.

I cracked my neck and roll out my shoulders before taking two swift steps forward to slam my fist into his nose. The crunch of breaking bone and cartilage filled my ears as I see his head snap back, blood spurting out.

"Fück!" He curses loudly as his head returns to normal position only for me to engage in a series of swift kicks. Round house to the head, kick back to his chest making him stumble. I advance and quickly swing out my left leg, my shin swinging into his upper torso ribs hard. The cracking of bone fills my ear ones more as he stumbles back again. His veins were bulging as raw fury filled his every pore.

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