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2 Weeks After

"Xav," I breathe, eyes closing as I feel the sparks erupt all over my skin. His kisses trail over every part of my body until stopping right over my lips. My back was currently pressed against our soft bed, his huge body gently hovering over my smaller one.

I blink open my eyes when his lips don't connect with mine. Both our chests heave up and down, eyes narrowing on each other as we study every aspect.

"I love you Diana, but for the love of God can you please marry me? Like now? I've had a pastor on speed dial for three hundred years." He says exasperated. I laugh, placing my hands on either side of his strong jaw, thumbs lightly grazing his stubble.

"I said yes years ago, what makes you think I'll change my answer now?" I question as if he was being silly. He groans burying his head in the crook of my neck. I laugh as he mumbles profanities.

"I really truly did want our wedding to be one of dreams and romantic shit, but Diana... I want you to be my wife and I don't know how much longer I can wait." He confesses, lofting his head up so our eyes can meet.

"Let me get into some at least a little wedding appropriate." I say laughing. His eyes light up like a kid on Christmas. I wiggle out of his arms to go grab a simple cream colored lacy dress that falls to my knees. As he whoops he opens our door yelling out,

"We're getting married! Everyone outside by the gazebo! Pastor Jones you especially!" He practically screams.

I laugh out loud at his antics. I peep my head out of our closet locking my eyes with his before I shoo him out. "It's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding." I say chidingly making him gaze at me. Quickly I walk back in grabbing his black on black tux and tossing it out to him. "Now go. I'll be out soon."

Minute slater I had the dress on, looking down I wiggle my toes smiling fondly as I think of Luke. There is a knock on the door before Jamie walks in her eyes taking me in.

"Spur of the moment eh?" She teases with a smirk making me laugh.

"It's been in the making for three hundred years." I point out grinning. She waves away my reasoning before she motions me forward. I step closer as she gently turns me around and begins to pull my hair up and into a beautiful messy bun before placing in a flower piece.

I walk to the mirror smiling as I take it all in. "Not bad for deciding to get married today." I comment making Jamie grin.

"Not bad at all. Now let's go." I laugh at her eagerness. Her arm loops through mine and we make our way out of our room and out of the house. When we leave the back patio we head towards the gazebo with my pack on either side of it. I see Xavier at the end looking at me in awe making me bite my lip a blush brushing up onto my cheeks.

Jamie hands me off before standing on my side. I see José on Xavier's making me smile wider. My gaze locks on Xavier's green eyes, his face so full of love I almost cry. As the Pastor speaks the sun begins to set and the moon begins to rise. Somehow I know all my friends are watching me, watching the wedding with tears in their eyes. I blink away my own as Xavier and I say our "I do's" and finally, finally pronounced man and wife.

After a knee weakening kiss Xavier murmurs against my lips happily. "I love you Diana Rose Raven. My love, my life, and my wife."

"And I love you Mr. Alpha Xavier Raven." I knew them and there that this, my life, will be perfect.

9 Months Later

"Goddamnit Xavier! Quit telling me to push! I'm pushing damnit!" I scream out in pain, my whole body squeezing and pushing begging for my baby to get the hell out of me.

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