Be Prepared

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After my large pizza and nap, I spent the next few days hunting and researching. I needed to know everything I could about him, Lucifer. With the Hunters and Rogues I knew what I was up against, and had been talking to the Goddess but ever since He showed up she's been quiet. Reasonably, this worried me so I began to burry myself in work.

Now it's been two weeks since the ball and today is the day I am officially crowned Queen. But I'm not focused on that, rather focused on Lucifer. I slam a book shut angrily, dust flies up and swirls around. After the resonating clap from my book, I hear soft breathing on the other side of the door.

"Hello?" I call out, barely able to hold in my anger from not finding anything.

"Can I come in?" A kind of familiar voice asks.

"Yes." Seconds after my reply the office door opens and in walks Jamie, Xavier's third in command. "Can I help you?"

"No, more like I can help you." She says, eyes calmly scanning the clattered office. "I was sent to 'aid you prepare for the coronation'." She says mockingly. I smile a little at her obvious annoyance with all these formalities. "And as you know, the Eld-"

"Old Cranky Club wants me to wear a dress." I finish with a slight scowl. I was angry, in a time like this they want to throw a freaking initiation. This isn't a sorority, this is serious. Jamie starts to laugh, leaning over and clutching her stomach.

"Oh man, so telling everyone that one." She says now snickering.

"Go for it." I mutter grumpily.

"Oh stop your pouting. Xavier and I discussed what you would wear." This statement unreasonably pissed me off.

"Excuse me? I can dress myself any way I fücking please." I felt like steam was coming out of my ears. She looks at me with bored eyes then she smiles.

"Yeah you're definitely an Alpha alright, the only problem is, you have periods. Yikes." She says 'slicing' her neck with her pointer finger. My anger diminishes and I start to laugh.

"Sorry. I haven't gotten much sleep." I say frowning slightly at myself.

"Well no shit, I hear you mumbling to yourself all night. It's not very healthy you know." Jamie says sarcastically, making me roll my eyes at her. "But that's besides the point. As I was saying, Xavier and I discussed the dress and came up with a good design. Why don't you come with me and we can get you all fancied up?" She says wiggling her eyebrows.

I sigh but nod and follow her out of the pigsty of an office. Three minutes of comfortable silence later, we are in Xav and I's room. And by the window is a dress form, un-ironically presenting a dress. The dress is leather, but seems to give free movement. The top comes and curves up to my neck in a collar like way. Beside the dress form is a wooden table with two lace up leather cuffs, under the table is a pair of brown leather boots that would go above my knee, also lace up.

With a closer look I see the dress is really a cape sort thing, with a slit that travels all the way up to underneath my breasts. I turn to Jamie with a raised eyebrow only to see her holding up a darker brown pair of leather pants that would reach under my belly button; those paired with the 'dress' would leave a small peek of stomach to show.

"Am I allowed to know why? Why go out of the way with a new complicated dress?" I inquire curiously.

"Patrick told Xavier to have you be ready to fight tonight, but only to tell you today. Patrick didn't explain how he knew just that he wanted you ready. So Alpha and I got to work. José as per usual was useless." That last part makes my lips quirk but that was before I realized what she was hinting at.

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