She Always Does

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Death is an odd concept if you think about it. To be so full of life one moment, then for it to be snatched away so quickly? Almost no evidence giving away to the fact that you ever existed except for a single slab of stone, for your body will be six feet under the earth.

My eyes roll over to the wall, taking in the dark shadows of the room, briefly forgetting my morbid thoughts. My stomach growls loudly, I haven't eaten in two days and I was physically growing weaker, but in every other aspect I was growing stronger. My only problem is I've lost track of time and have no clue when Zed will return.

Slowly, painfully, I sit up. My bones creak with lack of use. I hear faint murmurs throughout the building, the slight vibrations of conversations greet my feet when they touch the cold concrete floor. My heart groans stuttering to life to keep my body from crumbling to nothing.

A pair of footsteps come closer, increasing in volume as they near the door. I make my face form into that of a smirk, but keep my eyes completely defiant.

"Oh Lucifer! Is that you?" My voice was mocking as I keep my quirked lips up in a smirk.

"No." A feminine voice greets my ears. My eyes briefly snap wide as Zed's sister slinks inside the room. Her beautiful, unnaturally perfect face looks bored. In her hands is a tray holding the slush they called food that I've been deprived of. "Lucifer says you need to eat." She drops the tray, the bowl holding the slush miraculously stays up right, only a bit if the funk sloshes out.

"Oh yay. I was missing that lovely thing called sustenance." I Say with a roll of the eyes.

"Shut your trap and eat." She growls out spinning in her heel, ready to leave.

"Awe, your concern melts my heart." My stick thin arms go to clasp my chest as I flutter my eyelids dramatically. The woman huffs, her hair billowing behind her. Quickly I shout out, "How's your brother?! He hasn't been around to torture me in my free time with his 'charms'." I comment as I lazily get up and saunter to the bowl, while I try to look like I was walking with ease I was clenching my jaw to keep from crying out in pain. This was my way to figure out how long it's been, see if he was okay.

"Not that it's any of your business, but he's fine. On a mission for Lucifer." She says turning her head over to look at me. Her demon eyes flash before she turns back to face me one more. "How do you not react to his charms?" She asks, her face forming that of ones curiosity.

I shuffle back to my bed where I gratefully slump back on it. I hold the bowl close as I slowly eat it, acting bored. "Well, it's simple." I look up to her as she raises an eyebrow silently asking for my simple reason. "I love someone else." I go back to eating silently as she mulls this over.

"That doesn't make sense," She says her eyes narrowing. "I've slept with men in love with another woman." Hearing this makes me clench my teeth but I steady my breathing and squeeze my eyes shut.

"Then they weren't soulmates." Is my quick reply.

"I've slept with mated werewolf men, they were with their souls mates." She counters coming closer.

I look up at her through my eye lashes. "Then they weren't strong enough." I lie, knowing exactly why I'm able to resist Zed's pull.

"You know why." She states, eyes narrowing in on me.

"So what if I do." I mumble finishing the last bite and put the now empty bowl on the bed.

"So I want you to tell me." And for the first time I see genuine curiosity, and fascination.

"I have a piece of my mates soul as he does mine. We're truly together and I could never be another. He is the only one." I say simply eyes locking with hers.

"Interesting." She says, head tilting. "True Love... never thought I'd see it." Her voice was neutral, as she studies me.

"Well congrats. You've seen it. Now can you leave?" I ask fake yawning and stretching my tired body.

"Fine." She snaps her cold exterior coming back into play. She then slinks out of the room, door slamming shut behind her. I groan and roll backwards, crawling under the covers.

Zed is fine, Xavier is fine, which means I can be fine. I can finish this as soon as Zed gets back.


One month, one week, two days, and 15 hours since I've seen Diana. How I've survived this long is past me.

Jamie saunters into my office, I see the bags under her eyes even as she tries to act like her Luna being gone doesn't affect her.

"Hey Boss," Her lips stay up in that forever taunting smirk. "This was dropped off for you." She walks over and places the box on my desk. Blearily I look down and see it, registering is slowly. "Hey," Her suddenly soft voice has me looking up confused. "We'll get her back Xavier." Her smirk morphed into that of an encouraging smile before she exits my office.

The whole pack has been affected by this, the whole supernatural world. I've been gathering allies, building an army, being prepared for anything yet my mind is always on her. I know she isn't dead I feel her, but I also feel a ting of pain everyday that lasts for hours on end. Deep down I know it's her being hurt but I chalk it up to not being with her, I can't think about her being hurt and me not being there to protect her. It'll kill me.

Slowly I open the box. Inside is a small locket, seeming to pulse with powerful energy. On top is a note addressed to myself.

"Dear Alpha Xavier,

I am not allowed to say who I am, for fear I can be caught but know I am yours and your mate's friend.

Diana is safe and yes she could've written a letter I decided you could hear her voice instead. Kiss the locket and her message will come to you.

Your Friend."

"What?" I mumble to myself as I shakily pick up the locket. I bring the warm metal to my lips where I gently press them against the trinket. Oh so quietly I hear words and my heart soars.

"Hey Xav," Her voice was soft, whispered almost. "I miss you." She states simply before giving herself a small laugh. "Wow can I get any more insensitive?" She lightly teases herself, but even here, so far away from her I can hear the thickness in her throat signaling the tears. "Xavier- I can't explain how much I miss you... my body trembles at night to just feel your hands hold my own, or to feel your breath against my neck as you cradle me to your chest as we sleep." I can practically see the tears running down her face as my own eyes well up. "I feel so lost... so alone..." her breath hitches and I hear a quiet muffled sob. "I know I'm not, I have someone helping me from the inside but he's not you. No one is you... I want you Xavier. I need you." She starts to cry again, Hearing her broken sobs break my own dam as tears trail down my cheeks. Suddenly they stop and I imagine her steeling herself, forcing herself to be strong. "But I can do this Xavier. I have a plan I will execute in two weeks. I'll be home soon, I'll be with you soon." I feel a smile tug up on my lips hearing this, as I also hear a smile in her voice. "I love you Xavier. You are my world, and I can't live without you. I'll be home soon, but wait for me Okay? I'll be back." She takes a shaky breath, my own breathing matching hers. "Be strong Xav, I love you."

"I love you Di." I murmur back to the locket, a sit turns cold and I know the message is gone. But it stays with me, I stand up tall and for the first time in weeks, I smile a real smile because I know I'll see my Diana again.

"José! Jamie!" I shout walking out of my office, straightening my shirt. The two come running up the stairs, their strained faces morph to that of surprise seeing my relaxed form. "Call a meeting with our allies. We need to be ready, Diana has a plan." My eyes twinkle as I think of this. José smiles as I see his shoulders lift, while Jamie grins wildly.

"Diana has a plan." She repeats wickedly, her renewed energy contagious as I myself grin to match their grins. I reply simply,

"She always does."


Soooo another update 👌🏻 hope you enjoyed

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