III - Elton

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Superglue Wig to Roommate Prank

"What's up everyone so today I'm here with these guys and we're going to pull a prank on Colby" Elton said to the camera.

"I have a pink wig and some super glue. I'm going to superglue this to his head"

"I'm so scared for this" Corey said.

"Everyone always says don't get Colby's hair so that's exactly what I'm doing. Corey you're going have to take my camera and pretend like you're making a video" Elton said.


"Colby!!!! Mr Brock" Corey said as he went upstairs to Colby's room. Colby opened the door.


"Aww is the baby asleep?" Corey asked pointing the camera to Scotland who had a sleeping baby in her arms.


"Come film a dance video with me" Corey said getting the camera extremely close to Colby's face.

"Okay. I like your camera skills bro. They're good"

"Thanks homie my camera skills are real good"

"Is this Elton's camera?" Colby asked.


"Why do you have Elton's camera"

"Because mine died and I needed to film a dance video"


"Okay so show him how to whip and nae nae" Corey said. The boys were teaching Colby how to nae nae.

"Okay so now they're going to teach you how to do the wave. The three boys were holding wrists and Elton snuck up on Colby and placed the wig on his head causing Colby to scream and drop to the floor.

"Oh my god he's holding him down" Corey yelled.

"Why is it wet? I don't know what's happening bro. You set me up Corey" Colby said causing everyone to laugh.

"Elton why is it wet?"

"Colby you know what's happening? It's super glue"



"Try taking it off" Colby tried taking the wig off only to scream in pain.

"Are you crying" Corey asked as he got closer to Colby.

"Yes bro it hurts"


"I'm gonna cut it" Colby said. He started going upstairs. Elton now had the camera and followed him to his room.

"Where you going?" Elton asked.

"I have scissors in my room" Colby said. He walked into his room where Scotland was holding Alex against her chest with a blanket over.

"What the fuck" Scotland asked while laughing.

"Why are you wearing a wig?" She asked.

"Elton superglued it to my head"

"Elton that could rip his scalp off" Scotland said.

"HE DYED MY DOG PINK" Elton said.

"What are you doing? Are you suffocating your baby?" Elton asked as he turned the camera to Scotland.

"No you idiot I'm feeding her"

"With a blanket?"

"People don't knock when they walk into rooms in this house im not trying to have any of you see my tits" Scotland said.

"Hey this is my room too" Colby said.

"Devyn, Hayden, and Colby can see your tits but the rest if the house can't?" Elton asked.

"First you glue a wig to my head and now you're hitting on my baby momma Elton?" Colby asked.

"Are you going to cut your hair Colby?" Scotland asked looking at the scissors in Colby's hands.

"No i'm just going to cut the wig and make it shorter. It's hot I don't know how you do this" he said. He went into the bathroom and started cutting the wig but was having trouble.

"Do you need help?" Scotland said as she walked out of her and Colby's room without Alex.

"No i'm fine"

"Why is it that for the past three days you've been wearing nothing but a black tank top, sweatpants, and a jacket?" Elton asked Scotland.

"I just had a baby shut up" she said.

"Dude it's seriously not coming off" Colby said as he tried to pull the wig off.

"Ya that's how superglue works, i'm glad you're learning" Elton said.

"This is going to ruin your hair babe" Scotland said trying to pull it off which made Colby scream.

"Shhhh Alex is asleep" Scotland said before going back into her and Colby's room.


"I can't believe you got the hair, the hair was off limits" Colby said.

"I didn't get the hair, i got the wig that ended up on your head, which is where hair happens to be"

"I'm going to sleep" Colby said as he walked into his room and closed the door"

Three hours later...

"Colby" Elton said as he knocked on the door.


"Can i come in?"


Elton walked into Colby's room to see him shirtless holding Alex and giving her a bottle while Scotland was laying next to Colby on her phone.

"Whatcha doin?"

"Feeding my child then going to bed Elton"

"I'm surprised she's not scared" Elton said.

"She's four days old Elton she doesn't know what's scary and what isn't"

"I can already see the comments of people saying Scotland is a bad mother because Colby is feeding her" Elton said.

"I know right" Scotland said.

"I just wanna go to bed an forget this ever happened" Colby said.

"Well you will forget until you wake up and look in a mirror"

"Just but at least I'll forget for a few hours but I gotta figure out what I'm gonna do" Colby said.

"Just as long as whatever you do isn't towards me because I'll come back just as hard. Bye" Elton said before walking out of the room.

The next morning...

"Do you want me to take the wig off?" Elton asked Colby as he was eating cereal. Colby nodded.

"There's one thing I'm going to make you do"


"I have to wear this?" Colby asked from the bathroom.


"Oh my god this is the best thing I've ever seen" Scotland said.

"What the hell?" Corey said.

"Oh my god" Hayden said uncontrollably laughing at Colby who was nowhere in frame.

To be continued....

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