XVI - Go90

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(The second camera is the camera that keeps following Scotland and Colby and the third camera is the one that follows Madison)

Scotland Brock and Madison Beer podcast pt.2

"What's up everyone my name is Colby Brock and you're watching the Scotland Brock and Madison beer podcast on go90. Let me just give you a little recap real quick. So Madison and Scotland fought on stage both physically and verbally. Hayden and Madison also got into a fight and Madison admitted to voting for Trump. But that's all I can say if you haven't watched the previous episode then please do that and if you have, then let's continue"


"Can you [fucking] let me talk dammit?" Scotland asked obviously very mad.

"No bitch because i already know you're going to say some stupid [shit] trying to make me look bad so just shut the [fuck] up" Madison said.

"Oh this is gonna be a long and interesting day" Scotland said.


"So who do you guys think has a better influence on teens today?" Colby asked Scotland and Madison.

"I would definitely say me. I go out of my way to make my followers feel comfortable with their sexualities and bodies and I'm always doing what I can to how my support for equality. Meanwhile this bitch over here smoked cigarettes at 17 then got mad and defensive when people said she's a bad influence" Scotland said.

"Madison would you like to explain yourself" Colby asked Madison.

"Obviously I'm gonna try things here and there and I thought it was very unfair that I smoked a cigarette and people started automatically saying that I'm stupid and I deserve to lose all my followers"

"Bitch you do. You're basically showing younger kids that's it's okay to [fuck] the law and do whatever you want" Scotland said.

"Ya okay. You're one to talk" Madison said.

"So Scotland you've had your fair share of "breaking the law" so why would you say your actions are justified and Madison's aren't?" Colby asked.

"I would not say my actions are justified. The only laws that I've broken are probably trespassing for YouTube videos. Anytime I was drinking it was legal because I was in a country that has a lower drinking age than the US. I just don't want kids to see her and be like oh well Madison is smoking cigarettes and she's 17 so it must be okay because it's not" Scotland said.

"Okay well we're going to take a break so Madison, Scotland, you're free to head back to your dressing rooms for 15 minutes and we'll be right back" Colby said.

-=second camera=-

Colby and Sam walked off to a room and Scotland and Hayden stayed back talking.

"This is honestly one of the hardest things I've ever had to do" Colby said to Sam as he took a drink of water.

"Ya because you obviously don't want Scotland to get into a fight" Sam said and one of the producers walked into the room Colby and Sam were in.

"Scotland and Hayden are being taken to jail right now" she said.

"What?" Colby asked and they ran out of the room.

"Oh my god there's glass everywhere" Sam said as the camera focused on the floor. Scotland and Hayden were being put in handcuffs. Madison was nowhere to be found.

"What happened?" Colby asked as he and Sam walked over to the girls.

"Madison started talking shit so I threw my voss bottle at her and then her and Scotland got into a fight" Hayden said.

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