Someone Like Me

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Alfred peered over Tori's shoulder, half-heartedly listening to the gossip about Blackwell's popular Heather Bing and her alleged sex scandal with a college student. (Alfred had stopped caring much for Bing ever since he caught her trying to seduce someone else during a party—while they were still dating.)

"What are you looking at? Oh" Tori had noticed his distracted gaze looking past her and turned to see what he was so fixated on. "Juniors. They're Rosewaters and very rich. Old money." She said as she spotted the twins laughing, but clearly not paying attention to [Name]. "They're twins, the blondes—obviously. Rumor has it that the Rosewaters are related to British royalty"

Frankly, Alfred wouldn't be surprised if they were. Eloise was poised and had all the makings of a high queen and Allen was a disciplined prince. He wasn't sure about Arin though. But he didn't let his mind wander too far about the Rosewaters. He was interested in someone else.

But Tori didn't bother to tell him about the girl with the two possible royals, which bothered him because [Name] was the real reason why he'd been spacing out since homeroom.

After his failure of a first session as Arin's tutor he had spent a good deal of his night staring at the ceiling and his glow-in-the-dark stars. The stars reminded him of happy times, of apple pies and lazy Sunday afternoons, the years before this fucking sickness got to him. He then remembered [Name] and the Rosewater family's protectiveness of her. Was she sick too? He hadn't expected her to talk to him the way she did that evening. No apology, no pity either. The way she tilted her head and asked if he was going to throw up again, she looked at him like he was an endemic bird from Africa, like he fascinated her. How does one deal with a person like that? Alfred didn't know, and he fell asleep still not knowing what the girl thought of him.

"I hear she already slept with half the members of the hockey team" Tori blurted out and Alfred shook his head, realizing that he'd been staring the entire time.


"The girl twin" Tori pointed out, unaware that Alfred's eyes were on [Name] and not Arin.

"What about her?"

"Jesus." Tori sighed "There's a rumor that she's already slept with half of the basketball team."

Alfred slanted his head, half-amused and half-confused. Amused because Tori was jealous and for all the wrong reasons, and confused because so what if Arin got around? Ethan was basically sex on a stick and Tori never called him out for it.

"Why are you telling me this"

"Because I don't want you associating yourself with a girl who throws herself at any guy. At many guys."

He chuckled "Thank you for your concern, Tori. But I assure you, Arin Rosewater isn't my type. She's too. . ." She's annoying, he wanted to say, recalling how she insulted his intelligence at first meeting. "She's just not my type" He grinned and ruffled Tori's hair.

And my love life isn't the issue right now, he thought as he snuck one last glance of [Name] before the bell for next period rang.

Today's lunch was mac and cheese. It came out looking like bright yellow rice the second time around.

Alfred flicked his hands, annoying droplets of water going everywhere as he stepped out the men's room.

"Don't you guys have paper towels in there?" Alfred jumped at the sudden voice behind him. It was [Name]. She didn't look the least bit embarrassed or awkward despite the intrusion.

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