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Facing inner demons was no easy task, and you doubted that Alfred would be calling Dr. Gil anytime soon. You were a cutter and binge-eater even before high school, but it took a few failed attempts on your life before you finally agreed to hospitalization.

"Earth to space cadet" Arin poked you with the eraser-end of her pencil "I'm waiting."

"Huh?" You shook your head "Oh, sorry. What was the next question?"

Arin feigned a melodramatic eye-roll complete with a sigh and shoulder shifting.

"Just give me the damn flashcards"

She laughed but didn't hand them over. "Explain Manifest Destiny"

"Manifest Destiny was the belief that the United States was destined to expand its territory past the North American continent and the Pacific."

"Okay, but that was easy" She read you another history question "What were the countries that composed the USSR?"

"Alphabetically? Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan"

Arin slammed the cards on the table, ignoring the glares and shushes from the students around the library. "I give up. I'll never know how you geeks store all that crap"

You shook your head "I take it that your English test didn't go too well?"

"Au contraire" She gave you a cat-like smile and then shoved out a piece of paper towards your nose "Read 'em and weep, my darling frog."

"Wow. An A-plus." You clapped your hands lightly "Toutes nos félicitations, Madamemoiselle Arin"

"Merci" She put the test paper back in her pastel folder "I couldn't wait until five. I needed to call Grandma and tell her. She's taking us to Oka this weekend!" Oka was a restaurant. In Japan.

You flipped open your copy of The Bell Jar,"I guess that means Alfred won't be coming over this Saturday"

"He won't be coming over, period"

"What?" You yanked the bookmark off and the book shut before you could catch it "Shoot. . . Wait, what do you mean 'he won't be coming over, period'?"

"It was a joke, [Name]." And slowly, her smile curled and she reminded you of Cheshire from Tim Burton's Alice "You don't like Alfred, do you?"

Your mouth was open but your tongue tripped on your words and she gasped before you could form a sentence. "Fuck me gently with a baseball. You do like him!"

Sh! The guy with the dreadlocks glared at you two from his seat.

"I don't like him."I mean, yes, I do like him. But not that way."

"Don't take that bull with me. You're smitten. I knew you've been smiling way too much for comfort"

"Thank you, dear best friend" You pretended to search for your page but Arin's blue eyes wouldn't leave you.

"What is it do you like about him? Is it the smarts? The football thing? The body?" She paused and then leaned closer "This isn't rebound, is it?"

You folded the book.

Arin's brows knitted together. "I mean this is Alfred-fucking-Jones. You think Allen and I don't see it? The light hair, the blue eyes. The 'good golly, Miss Daisy!' boy next door vibe he gives off when he's not on the field." Her voice lowered a pitch as she hissed, "He's the polar opposite of Jason!"

You willed yourself not flinch at the mention of his name "I don't want to talk about it or him"

"You don't have to. I won't force you, but [Name]" She placed her hand on yours "even if this Alfred isn't a rebound. Take a chance."

"I'd be using him" You pointed out harshly and she shut up. You sighed and squeezed her "I'm sorry. I just. . .he's a good guy and I admit it, I may have a teensy-weensy crush on him, but that doesn't mean I'm only interested because of. . ."

"After He Who Shall Not Be Named. Got it. No more mention of him."

"Or my crush on Alfred" When she didn't reply immediately you cuffed her ear.

"Okay, okay! I surrender. No more talk about your teensy-weensy fascination with Football" You let her go and she rubbed her ear gingerly.

"So can I have him then?"

You shot her a look that could freeze time and she threw her head back in laughter, earning another Shh!

"I'm kidding. You know I'm more of a puck bunny"


Alfred knew that he promised [Name] that he'll call What's-his-face but every time he dialed the number on his phone he would always delete it and do something else.

He felt guilt for lying to her face. Not because he was some gullible saint, but because he lied to [Name], who was the first person to see past his fake smiles Maybe this wasn't the first time she helped someone, but she was the first person to skip the pity party and told him straightly that he needed to go see a therapist.

"Hey there, slugger" Steve slid into the seat in front of him "Who's the girl?"

Alfred dropped a curly fry, he glanced at his father. Steve laughed.

"You've been grinning like your Uncle Sal after three bottles at a Fourth of July picnic. Likely chance is that there's a girl." He pulled the basket towards him and picked up a fry.

"She's a sweetheart. [Name], I think." Lorelei appeared and placed a burger in front of Alfred. "She was so polite and smart and funny"

"We Jones were born with good taste"

Lorelei playfully smacked her husband's shoulder and then bent over to give him a quick kiss on the lips. She patted her son's head and went to other tables.

"I'd like to meet this [Name]. If your mother likes her then she's gotta be something"

Alfred stared at the burger "She is"

"Well. . ." Steve snatched the plate from him too.


"If she can make you smile like your drunk Uncle Sal and ignore a hamburger then my only advice is to never let her go"

Alfred tapped his knee in thought. "You're right. Thanks, dad" He slid out the booth and jogged out the diner. He took out his phone and waited for her to pick up.

"Hi. It's Alfred." Deep breath "Are you free this weekend?"

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