I Will Fight For You

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Jason smiled and thumbed you cheek "I knew you wouldn't abandon me."

The rapping had stopped and Berwald will be busting through any second now. You urged Jason towards the railing, "I need to get rid of my bodyguard first. I'll meet you at Blackwell Academy's back gate. At dawn."

He gave you a doubtful look. You knew why; last time he left you to do something you called the cops.

Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

"No. Tomorrow go to school, ditch the bodyguard, I'll find you." And with a hastened kiss on your forehead he hopped off the balcony and to a tree, disappearing into the night.

The white double doors fell out their hinges and landed on the floor with a crash and a thud. Berwald held his Glock as he burst inside.

"Miss [Lastname]" He breathed, sharp eyes scanned the area "I heard voices"

You bent down to pick up the novel. "I was reading."

Muriel came running, Allen and Arin right behind her. "Alfred's parent's called, he—" Arin panted "He got into a car accident and. . .and. . ." She struggled to breath.

"His truck was there but they didn't find him. Alfred's missing." Allen finished.

You said nothing in return, you hugged the book to your chest and glanced out the balcony. The sky was cloudless, the moon glowed beautifully from where you stood.



Alfred wished he hadn't woken up because as he regained consciousness every muscle in his body swelled hotly and his head throbbed painfully, but he tried to sit up (arms and legs okay, spine in one piece) only to find that his wrists and feet were bound.

Once his vision cleared he examined of his surroundings. Peeling white paint, broken ceiling lamp, a wrought iron bed with torn a mattress. He lay on cold cement, arms roped to the metal bars of a window. He managed a crouching position—as far as the ropes and his burning legs would let him, it was an inky night but he didn't recognize the streets outside.

"Ah, finally awake" A guy with tousled black hair entered the room holding a baseball bat. "You got some balls trying to fuck somebody else's girl."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Alfred barked but then his captor raised the bat and then swung it down on his ankles.

Alfred curled like a frightened centipede. A sound buzzed in his ears and he was shouting curses "What the fuck, dude!"

"You tried to take her away from me"

"Wha. . ." Then it clicked and Alfred stared up in disbelief "You're Jason."

He smirked "You've heard of me."

"Bits and pieces."

"Good things I hope."

Alfred mirrored his amused grin "Hardly. I hear you're one crazy son of a bitch."

Jason scowled. Another strike. Another cry.

"You. . ." Alfred struggled to speak, the aching spread from his legs and throughout his body "You put that note in my car"

"I think that should be obvious now."

"Do you seriously think that—ugh—" Alfred chuckled and then groaned, he wouldn't be able to walk for a while after this "Do you seriously think she still wants you?"

"Ronnie loves me" This guy was fifty shades of insane.

"You wanted to kill her dad. You threatened to kill her. Now you're gonna kill me, and for what? In the name of love?" This was stupid, slighting the guy with a baseball bat. "Christ, and you even compare yourself to Heathcliff. Did you even read the book?" Heathcliff didn't get a happy ending. No one did.

Something in Jason's jaw ticked, "You're really starting to piss me off"

"Good. Because I already am." Alfred snapped "You say you love her, but do you have any idea what you put her through? You don't love her, asshole, to you she's just a thing you 'own' and you can't stand other people coming near what's yours, you don't see her as a person. You took advantage of her when she was vulnerable. You abused her."

Jason's eyes flared and drew back his knee, kicking Alfred square in the jaw. "You motherfucker. You don't know anything so shut up. [Name] already agreed to run away with me, you see? We were made for each other, you were just a bump on the road.

Alfred glared back "I don't believe you."

Jason's smug smile returned "You don't have to. Now" He lifted the bat "Go back to sleep"

Alfred mumbled to himself.

"What did you say?"

"'Our love is God.'" Alfred's mouth curved in victory "I think that was Jason Dean's last words—spoiler alert by the way, but he and Veronica don't end up together."

The bat hit Alfred's skull and he toppled to the floor, the lights vanished and the darkness wrapped around him.


You grabbed the unopened bottle from the medicine cabinet, threw it in your backpack and then hurried to the garage.

"Hey, what took you so long?" Arin asked as you slid in the backseat of the Ferrari.

You put the back on your lap and folded both hands over it. "I had to pee" You whispered, but neither of the twins believed you.

Allen buckled up, "The police are already searching, [Name], don't worry."

"Tell that to Mr. and Mrs. Jones" You muttered, sneaking a peek of the black sedan behind Arin's car.

Jason will be waiting for you, but you had to make sure Berwald wouldn't try and intercept the meeting. Bodyguards had their own plans and you didn't want him screwing up yours.

"[Name]?" Allen called "You know, we can skip school today, if you're too—"

"I'm fine. Let's just go, please."

The twins exchanged looks. Arin started the car and turned on the radio.

You slumped in your seat and hoped Berwald wasn't immune to laxatives.

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