You're Beautiful

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There was no forgetting the first time you got ready for an official boyfriend-girlfriend date: you wore heels that were too tall for your liking and a skirt that hugged you too tightly, your makeup was thick and heavy and felt like paste on your skin, and your hair looked like a bundle of uncooked noodles from inexperienced curling. The doorbell rang before you could strip out your clothes and wipe off the makeup for a second try.

Jason laughed when you answered the door. You flushed with embarrassment until he grabbed your waist and pulled you in for a kiss.

"You're beautiful"

You jerked awake from your nap. "You're beautiful" you heard Jason's voice echo at the back of your head. You clicked your tongue and forced yourself up from the living room couch. You grabbed your phone and headed upstairs to the gaming room, where the twins played Tekken on a 72' LED TV.

"I practiced that combo for a month!" Arin growled. You snickered, the TV flashed Allen's and declared him the winner. Again, you thought as you snatched Allen's lemonade.

"Never mess with the master" You told her, then your phone started to ring. "[Name]'s phone" The twins turned away from the screen and stared at you.

You choked, "Alfred. Hey!"

Arin threw her pizza slice back in its box and jumped to your side, seizing your shoulders and leaning in to your phone.

"Nothing. Just game night with the twins. What? This weekend?"

Allen's eyebrows arched high, his controller left forgotten on his lazy boy "Why is he calling?"

You covered the mic and whispered "He's asking me if I'm free this Saturday"

"Why?" Arin asked.

You gave her a 'No clue' look and returned to Alfred "Yeah, still here. A movie? That's so nice but I can't this Saturday—" Arin swapped the phone from your hand and shoved your chest, forcing you down.

"Hey, Alfred, this is Arin. Ignore what my best friend was about to say. She's free all weekend. Pick her up at seven" She paused "And if you don't show up consider yourself a dead guy walking" Beep. She dumped the phone next to the pizza box and beamed.

Your lips twisted "What the hell was that?"

"You, my friend," She then burst out the gaming room and strutted down the hall, "Are going on a date with Blackwell Academy's football captain."

Allen shrugged and you followed her inside your bedroom.

"Arin, no. Besides we're going to Japan this Friday, I can't—"

"No, we're not" Allen said.

Arin strolled to your closet, "I told Grandma that I wanted a brand new Ferrari instead of sushi."

"You just got your Jaguar last year."

She shrugged "Yeah, but Heather Bing got a brand new Lexus and she's been flaunting it around like it's the best thing ever. If she wants attention so bad she should sell the car and get herself a professional boob job instead of those overinflated anterior implants. Ha." She commented with a snide smile.

"I still don't see why you want a Ferrari"

"Um, guys are into cars. Ferraris are among the best cars in the world. Owning the best car equals getting more guys, more guys equals a very happy Arin and a very bitter Heather Bing"

You grinned and rolled your eyes, "Right."

She placed a hand on her hip as she examined your color-coded t-shirts, sweaters and jeans. "I hope you're aware that your closet is a fashion disaster." She pulled something from the shelf in front of her, "And by the way, the new in is yoga pants" She held up your Adventure Time jogging pants in disgust, then threw it on the floor. "Don't you have anything that doesn't say 'I'll die owning twenty cats'?" She said with an exasperated sigh.

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