Killing Me Softly

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A feeling of protectiveness overwhelmed Alfred after finding out the kind of personal storms that [Name] braved through, and how the storms returned in full force. She was strong, he had no doubts about that, but all it takes is one very bad day to make a person collapse.

In the months they've known each other Alfred lost in her, in her wisecracks and quirks and heart-whipping giggles. And he found himself in her. He didn't have to always be Popular Alfred or Jock Alfred or Boy Next Door Alfred. She was okay with his fanboying over Superman and Sleepaway Camp, she didn't shoot him down when said something smart about a movie instead of pretending to drool over the naked girl in the shower, and when he quoted Shakespeare she'd knock him off his legs with a hilarious reply instead of rolling her eyes. (How often is it for one to find a likable person who can talk Shakespeare to them?) There was no hiding from her and she had unraveled him without the slightest effort.

But reality reared its ugly head towards her direction and snapped down on him with its powerful jaws finally opened his eyes.

Despite the smiles and laughter shared together, [Name] was no Claire Colburn and Alfred wasn't Drew Baylor. They were both humans. Both damaged.

But maybe he could be a little less damaged.

"You're sure you don't want me to go with you?" She shut the truck door for him.

Alfred shoved his key in the ignition "I need to do this alone." He wasn't prepared to face them, and had offered him the guest room, but it was only eight and his mom probably just got home from the diner.

Her fingers were on the window and he took them in his hand.

"I'll be fine. Will you be okay?"

She gave him a strained smile "I don't want to skip school anymore than I already have so Eloise assigned me a bodyguard. He'll be arriving first thing tomorrow."

"You don't sound too pleased"

"It feels like I'm back in therapy again, with a warden trying to make sure I don't find a bobby pin and slit my wrists again."

He licked his lip. [Name] cleared her throat, "But I know better than to underestimate Jason. I'll be needing a bodyguard."

"I'll see you tomorrow then?"

She nodded and he gently pulled back. He was about to close the window when she suddenly reached inside and cupped his cheeks. She pressed her lips on his forehead. "Good luck"

He kissed the corner of her mouth, "Thanks, baby"


The air shifted and you rubbed your palms together. Alfred could definitely handle himself in a fight, and Jason was after you, but even with that knowledge a sick feeling nested itself in your stomach as you watched the red truck slowly shrink away.

Geoffrey emerged from the front door and wrapped a flannel blanket over your shoulders "I prepared you a hot bath and hot chocolate. Shall we step inside now?"

You looked back at the empty road. You wished Alfred just stayed because you'd be up all night worrying.

You gripped on the blanket, "I'd like that. Thank you, Geoffrey"

As you sat in front of the living room fireplace, Arin and Allen watched your movements like hawks on their prey.

"Fuck." You sighed and threw them a glare, "I'm not going to burn myself so stop hovering"

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