My Damage

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Jason was only nine when his stepdad first touched him. The fucker's fingers were thick and rough, once he was done he harshly whispered, "You little shit. If you tell anyone I'll bash your fucking head in, don't think I won't."

The fucker had always been abusive towards Jason and his mom, but when he told his mother she slapped him hard across the face, her hand left a nasty red mark and she made him skip school.

Fucking bitch.

She loved the fucker, so in love that she romanticized the hitting and manipulation in her head. She was weak. Weak, weak, weak.

But Jason wasn't. He refused to silently wait for a miracle like his weak mother.

At twelve, Jason was already his stepdad's height and he hatched the perfect plan: he stuffed his pillows under his covers and hid inside the closet.

The fucker arrived a few minutes after midnight, and as he reached for the comforter, Jason charged at him. His stepdad was a broad man because of his work at construction sites, but he was too slow. The baseball bat hit his head before he could turn around. He fell to the bed with a groan. Jason hit him again, and he lost consciousness. Jason didn't stop. He aimed for the face again and again until the sheets were soiled and his bat was red.

He stared at the body, at the mess he made until his worthless mother ran inside and screamed.

Jason's first kill, and it made its way to the paper. "Poor woman and son abused, son saves the day" or some crap like that, and his mom bathed in the attention.

Bitchbitchbitchbitch. Fucking bitch, I should've killed you too.

"Save"? Ha.

Jason was no savior, he didn't kill his stepfather to help his mother, Jason killed him because he wanted revenge. Plain and simple.

He hated the fucker. And he hated the whore that was his mother, who eventually found a new man. A quirky man whose name Jason forgot. The two married and Jason moved with them in a small brick house in Torrington.

"Welcome to Torrington. Where the sun always shines."

He wanted to barf.

His mom and his new stepdad were too busy ogling each other to ever pay attention to him, but he didn't care and spent most of his waking hours away from the house. Torrington was nowhere near the size of Brooklyn, but it did have its own set of fascinating characters.

He met their next-door neighbors, the Johnsons. On the outside they were the picture perfect white-collar American apple pie family, but definitely with their own dark secrets. (Alan Johnson Sr. was a pedophile, Annie Johnson was a cheating cougar, and Alan Johnson Jr. had been accused of rape twice)

He went to a café and met Lizzie Kirkland, a quirky and slightly creepy Englishwoman who wore pigtails and a poofy rose dress despite being well past the age where she could be considered a "girl". She was a teacher at Torrington High.

He found a tiny bookstore owned by Mrs. Maddie Dela Cruz, a sixty-year-old widow with an accent he couldn't name. She was close to senile, but at least she never asked questions, Jason doubted that she cared.

But as he scanned Maddie's collection for anything he might like, he heard sniffing from the other side of the giant shelf.

He peeked through the hollow spaces between the hardbound books and saw a girl sitting cross-legged on the floor. A copy of Wuthering Heights in her hands.

She leaned towards the heavier side of the scale but Jason didn't give a damn. He paid more attention to those eyes, swollen and puffy from her tears. She was beautiful.

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