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It was dark, cold and empty. No one was outside and nobody bothered going outside after hearing the news the past month. People would rush out the house and rush back in like lightening, No one bothered talking to each other. Everyone was afraid, shocked and didn't know what was gonna happen next. Everyone's lights turned off and windows closed tight all you could hear is the wind whispering through tree's and paper flying through the dark ally's, homeless people careless and sleeping in the dark ally's trying to find some safe and comfort area to be.

Harry's boots stomped through the wet pavement. He lights up a cigarette and draws in the familiar feeling, he finally let's go relaxing a bit from all the stress on him. He keeps moving along with the others passing through the dark

"This is a waste of time, mate." One of them peep.

Harry's head snaps over towards them and the young man gulps taking a step back from him, Harry comes closer to the younger man gripping his shirt and pulling his whole body up. The rest doesn't even flinch, they're so used to these consequences.

Harry pulls his cigar out of his mouth blowing the smoke directly into the young mans face, he coughs not being able to handle the smoke in his face.

"You're this close.. This fucking close to having your skull smashed against the cement with my bare fucking hands, Dereck." Harry hissed shoving him back, his body hits against the wall and he winces at the pain.

Harry's green eyes darken and he moves his gaze over towards the others, they stand up straight and shiver at his hard gaze. He pull his cigar back into his mouth letting it dangle on the side.

"For the rest of you, if you decide to make stupid ass remarks or questions then I'll just end your life because I'm tired of this bullshit. I helped you guys out of that damn hell hole to help me not act like idiots, behave or die. Do I make myself clear?"

They nod they're heads at Harry's harsh words, none of them wanted to die. They only wanted to escape to go back home or even get a home. Some of them didn't even belong in there but Harry sure did. He never gave up on his lovely girl.

They all continue walking through the dark city trying to reach they're destination which is about further then they thought. They have been traveling for nearly three hours now, the good part is that they we're fed equally and had only ten minute breaks each hour. Harry was desperate to see her.

How she looked.

How she smelled.

How she feels.

He wanted her and nobody was gonna stop him like before.

He felt the vibration in his pants and pulled out his old flip phone, yes. A phone that he managed to have right after he escaped. Harry does have his way to get things. Harry is smart in someways but a bit crazy in the head.. Maybe a lot crazy in the head more like.

Are you almost here? She's sleeping- unknown.

Harry smirked typing away and pushing his phone back into his pocket, he was ready to get his baby girl and so far his plan was going great, everything was going great.

He finally gets to have her again, forever and nobody will stop him because if they try to they'll be killed with his bare hands.

Surprise, a quick teaser!!🖤

Guys, I'm warning you this book isn't gonna be long at all. It's probably gonna go up to like twenty chapters maximum.

Grab the tissues and make sure to not throw your phone out the window due to how triggered you might get.

Should I update today again?

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