Chapter One

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Her hair was spread out on the grass and her eyes watching the clouds slowly move, the sun was covered by the dark grey clouds. The sound of the owl up in the trees and the sound of the leaves rustling as the wind blowing through the trees. It was time for thunder and rain to approach, she can feel the sprinkle of rain touching her each second. Her hair beginning to frizz up with each raindrop on her hair.

"Get inside now!"

Her head snapped in the direction of the house making they just moved into, her hair swayed to the side by the action. Zayn was leaning against the door giving her a stern look, she stands to her feet dusting off her jeans that now have green grass stains printed on them. her head bows down looking directly at the ground as she made her way inside of the house.

She sighs as she hears the door slams from behind her making her flinch, her eyes slowly look up at his face.

"I thought I told you to stay inside. You know he is out there looking for you? Your mother specifically tol-"

She immediately cuts him off already knowing what he's going to say.

"I know.. She specifically told you to keep me inside because we're in the middle of nowhere and It's still dangerous. But, I wanna be able to at least go outside for a minute." She whines.

Zayn sighs pinching the bridge of his nose.

She turns her head the other direction already knowing he's gonna start a whole rant on this situation, all she wanted was air and space. Hazel is still young and yearning to explore the outside world but this whole incident is haunting her and stopping her to feel free, to have the freedom she used to have.

She couldn't even open the door for anyone without having permission, you might this is a bit controlling but all Zayn wants is for her to be safe and not in danger.

"I thought we went over this, you need to at least let me know when you go outside so I can keep an eye out for you, okay?" He says calmly. She nods her head knowing if she continued on it would turn into a huge argument.

She opens her mouth ready to say something but gets cut off by the loud doorbell echoing around the half empty house, Zayn puts his finger up to his lips signaling her to keep quiet. He moves over to the door looking at the peephole.

Her heart pace increases, he gives her a thumbs up. She lets out a loud sigh feeling relief that it was nobody after her.

He opens the door welcoming a tall muscular guy, he had dark brown hair with a stubble and blue eyes that looked like the ocean. His eyes locks hers and he gives her a small smile letting his white straight teeth show, she gives him a half smile awkwardly waving at him.

Zayn lets the man inside leaving her confused onto why this unknown man is inside they're house.

"Baby, this is your therapist your mother has scheduled you.." Zayn says with a warming smile that always makes me melt except for right now.

A therapist?

She never wanted a therapist. She wants to leave the whole incident in the past and never brought back up again, she can handle all of this herself. Hazel always thought therapist don't help at all, she already has a journal she writes daily to release some thoughts which helps her a whole lot more then having a therapist.

"I-.. I don't need a therapist." She mumbled under her breath. The man gives her a confused look biting the bottom of his lip.

The man scratches the back of his neck sending her chills on down her spine, Harry used to do the same exact thing.

"You do know this might help you?" He suggests in a harsh tone, she glares at him crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Thank you for the offer but I do not need help, I'm perfectly fine without a therapist. I have a journal to write down all my thoughts and a loving soon to be husband here to comfort me." She mutters moving closer to him making him take a few steps back out the door.

She turns on her heel and walks away from them letting Zayn speak to the man in private.

"He's gonna catch you!" The man yells out, she harshly turns letting her hair whip in her face. Her heart pace increases and she's ready to lash out any minute.

The letter instantly sets in her mind.

You're never leaving me again and that's a fucking promise.

Just like that she pushes the man right out of her house and closes the door, that wasn't even a therapist. What kind of therapist reminds you that he's still after you? they're supposed to be helping you get through the fear and that pain.


Sorry for updating so slow, I rarely go on social media now. Thank you so much for all of the loving support on this story!🌹

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