Chapter Eight

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"You can let her in now!" The guard calls.

The young girl slowly walks inside squeezing her backpack strap tight as she follows the guard in front of her, one of the guards we're standing right behind her with every step she took making sure nothing ever happens to her.

"We gotta stay behind you just incase anything bad happens, alright?" The guard says nicely towards the girl, she smiles and nods her head. At this point she doesn't even care if they're with her. She just wants to see if this is really who she is here to see.

This is the first time she see's her family, well. Part of her family, ever since she was thrown into foster home she didn't know whether any of her family members were still alive, she doesn't even know is she has a family to begin with. She's just a young clueless girl with no mind of what has been going on before she was alive.

She takes a deep breath as the guard stops tapping on the cell and opening it but stay standing close behind.

She takes a few steps inside letting her come closer to view with the person in it, her body was shaking in excitement and nervous. Of course she was angry to just know find out that maybe one of them are still alive this whole time, she grew up with nine kids in a house that would fight you just for a piece of bacon and none of them were her actual brother or sisters.

All she ever wanted was to grow up with a big family, someone who cared and loved her and treated her like real parents would.

The loud footsteps snap her out of her thoughts and a tall man comes to view, he looked furious and scary it almost scared her. His eyes stayed with no emotion. He was confused onto why a beautiful young girl was at his cell, her hair brown with strands of blonde it ran down her back as well. She was wearing a school uniform with dirty converse that looked like they needed to be cleaned.

"Dad?" She mumbles breathless trying to come up with the words to say to him, his eyes snapped up at her.

"It's me, Mia Campbell." She shows a small smile and the tears in her eyes were starting to be more visible. Harry's eyes widen and he immediately pulled her into a tight hug, both of them bawling they're eyes out with there arms wrapped around each other.

He couldn't believe it, his heart felt like it was gonna explode in happiness.

"Oh god, it happened. It actually happened." He whispers to himself as the sobbing girl stays tightly in his arms, she finally found her dad. Not a foster one but her actual dad is in front of her but the only thing missing is her mother.

She lets go of his tight hug and takes a step back trying to get all of this in her young head.

"W-Where is my mom?"

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