Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Jordan’s POV

“Have you ever heard of Henry Langford?” Gloria Thompson, my business associate asked as she scanned through an interior design magazine in search of ideas.

“The director of Techworld Enterprises?”

I was an avid reader of business magazines. Sometimes I read them for fun and other times in search of clients. I had read the man's business background and he had a quite impressive resume.

“Yes, he just bought a penthouse in the city and is moving here with his wife and four year old daughter.”

I smiled, hoping he had chosen our interior design firm to work on his penthouse.

“His company, The Langford Group, just opened a new branch in the city. His wife is the regional marketer and as you may already know, the company deals with wholesale distribution of computer hardware and software.”

That part of the information I hadn't known. I knew the man himself, Henry Langford, by name, not by face. Gloria always did a thorough research before she accepted projects.

“He hired our firm to work on the penthouse and I want you to have a brief meeting with him, discuss what he wants us to do and then we'll start the project.”

“That's great. Is his family going to be around during?”

“No, it'll be just him but most of the time he'll be at work so he won't get in your way. Just get the layout of what he wants and then do it. His family is moving in a couple of weeks by which time the project should already be under way.”

“Is he already here?”

“Yes, your meeting with him will be at his house tomorrow at seven, right before he leaves for work. Here is the address.”

I took the piece of paper with the address and left Gloria's office.


Kayla’s POV

“May I please talk to Mr. Dolt?” Kayla said nervously on the phone when a male voice answered.

“Who may I say is calling?” he asked.

Kayla gave her full names. After a minute, she heard his voice and the speech she'd prepared in her head disappeared.

“Kayla?” he said.

“Yes, it's me.”

“It's good to hear from you. For a moment there I thought you'd never call.”

She'd wanted to call him since the morning after he'd given her his phone number.

“Can we have dinner tonight?” he asked when she failed to speak.

“Uh, yes.”

“Great. Give me your address and I'll come pick you up.”

She hesitated for a moment, feeling as though everything was moving too fast but gave him the address anyway. When she replaced the receiver back in its cradle, she realized she'd been holding her breath and deeply exhaled.


Jordan’s POV

“I turned Bruce down,” Jenny said.

“You did?” I asked, feigning surprise, which Jenny saw through. “Okay, I'm not disappointed.” I said, making Jenny chuckle. We were seated on the couch in my living room, having take-out for dinner.

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