Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Since Kayla had started working for the Rick Dolt Foundation, whenever I went home, I always found her looking through documents, brochures and magazines. I had never asked what they were for, but I was now curious.

“I should get you a desk and a computer,” I told her when I got home.

Jenny went straight to the kitchen to get herself a drink.

“I would appreciate both,” Kayla said as I went and sat beside her. “Why do you look so happy?” she asked.

I smiled and my gaze darted to the kitchen through the counter, to see Jenny was occupied making herself a cocktail. “Something happened tonight,” I said.

“What?” Kayla asked eagerly.

“I kissed Taylor.”

“You what?” Kayla asked in shock.

“We got into a fight after she found Jenny there with me and-.”

“Wait, what? Jenny was at the penthouse?” Kayla interrupted.

“Tracy gave her the address.”

“What has gotten into Tracy lately?”

“Anyway, Jenny showed up, made a fuss and Taylor found us there. We had a bit of a fight about it and then I kissed her. It was the most amazing thing. Everything I had ever felt for her came rushing back and I felt like I was drowning in it,” I didn’t care if I sounded like a teenager.

“Where was Jenny when you two were fighting and kissing?”

“She'd gone to wait for me in the jeep. Taylor got upset when she found her there. I don't want to get ahead of myself but I think she still has feelings for me otherwise why would she react like that after seeing Jenny?”

Kayla wrapped her arms around me. “I'm happy for you,” she said.

“What are you guys celebrating?” Jenny asked and Kayla got back to work.

“Kayla's success,” I said and playfully punched Kayla when she giggled. “Hey, what's up with you and Tracy nowadays?” I asked, a little confused by Tracy’s suspicious behavior towards Jenny.

“I don't know what you're talking about,” Jenny said as she took a seat.

“What's up with her giving you the address of where I work? Last time I checked, you two couldn't stand each other,” I said and Jenny rested back on the couch.

“Maybe she finally accepted that I'm here to stay. She's the one who has been nice to me,” Jenny said and Kayla and I looked at each other in confusion. “Hey, Kayla, you must know Taylor Walker, since you two were in high school together,” Jenny said, as though she wanted to confirm my story.

“Yeah, I know her,” Kayla said.

“Did you know that Jordan is working for her, babysitting her kid?”

Kayla knew I had not told Jenny much of the story, so I wasn’t worried. “Yes, I knew.”

“How come you guys never mentioned her before?”

“She was out of town and just got back,” I said.

“Well, she certainly married into wealth,” Jenny said bitterly and I saw the underlining behind her words.

Kayla grabbed my wrist, forcing me not to react and I relaxed.

“I bet Tracy shares the same sentiments,” Jenny continued and I bit my tongue, not wanting to respond because I knew what came out of my mouth would not only offend Jenny, it would also potentially ruin our friendship. “I think I should leave,” Jenny said.

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