Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Jordan’s POV

“Tell me how you got the scar?” Taylor asked later on when we were lying in bed together.

“I was in a fight. This guy thought I was hitting on his girl, but I wasn’t. It was in a club. It was a while after you left and I was there alone. I was drunk. We got into a fight. After what I did to you, I had stopped caring for myself. I needed to drink to get out of my body, to not think about you, to not remember how much I had hurt you. When we were fighting, I just kept thinking about how much of a favor he would be doing me if he could finally put me out of my misery.” I couldn’t clearly recall the fight, but I could remember my misery. “But he was a loser. I kicked his ass and he got desperate, took a knife and stabbed me. I blacked out and woke up in a hospital.”

Taylor ran her fingers over the protruding scar. “You were stupid,” she said.

I laughed, remembering how Taylor had always been up front and open with me. “Yes, I was,” because I never would have lived to see and feel the things I was feeling at that moment.

Taylor pulled the covers off our bodies and went to kiss the scar. “If I had been there, I would have kicked your butt,” she said.

A warm glow at the reminder of how we had been the best of lovers and friends embraced me. Taylor had always been straightforward with me so when she said she would have kicked my butt, I believed her.


Taylor’s POV

After laying kisses over the scar, Taylor’s gaze moved over to the other part of Jordan that she’d so selfishly loved and her hands impulsively but slowly followed her gaze, touching the moist outline of her womanhood.

She parted Jordan’s legs, exposing the most beautiful part of a woman she’d ever seen, and like the way her own lips had captured Jordan’s in a kiss, her lips now did so as well.

She had always known how to disarm Jordan. She’d always known how to please her and it was in a manner that no other woman had ever succeeded in doing. Now, she found the pleasures hidden in Jordan’s body, making those rigid muscles powerfully rupture in delight as Jordan moaned her name.

It was such a beautiful sound, such a lovely echo and the more Jordan replayed it, the more it fueled Taylor. She destroyed Jordan, then rebuilt her; she made her, then broke her and then she healed her, then crashed her. It was a paradox; a fusion of contradicting sensations, which were too overwhelming to endure.


Jordan’s POV

“There is something I think you should know,” I said a while later, deciding it was time to come clean with Taylor. I didn’t know how she would take it, but it was time she found out the truth.

“What?” Taylor asked, playfully running her fingers over my stomach.

“That day you found me with Tracy...” I trailed off when Taylor froze.

I didn't know if I could handle it if Taylor ended up resenting me.

“Jordan, I don't think I want to talk about that,” Taylor said.

“I know, but I need to explain something to you.”

Taylor abruptly sat up, but before she could leave the bed, I wrapped my arms around her and held her in place. “I never slept with Tracy,” I confessed.

For a long moment, Taylor did not react.

“Do you remember our fights? Do you remember how you wanted us to move in together but somehow, I’d always start up a fight and we’d argue? The truth is, I got scared of how much I loved you and made myself believe that we were too young, that eventually, we’d grow up and you’d grow out of love with me.” I released Taylor now and continued to explain. “Saying I slept with Tracy was the only way I knew you'd leave me. When you said it was over, my whole world came crumbling down. I kept thinking, wishing I could go back, but it was too late because you had already left.” I looked at Taylor, whose back was facing me, and wished I knew what she was thinking.

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