Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

“I've been meaning to call you, but I didn't think you'd want to hear from me after the way I left,” Taylor said to Kayla.

They were having lunch outside a small restaurant and had just met up for the first time since Taylor’s abrupt departure. It was Kayla who had called her, which was a nice gesture. Taylor had been nervous at first, but after they had seen each other, the five years had melted into space.

Their warm embrace had almost broken Taylor; seeing a childhood friend after countless people who called themselves friends but were only associated to her by work tugged at something within her.

“You look so rich!” Kayla frankly said.

The words made Taylor feel like she was wearing a mask, but she couldn’t take it off now since it had permanently become part of her impenetrable posture.

“Jordan explained everything. I couldn't wait to see you,” Kayla said, without having taken her eyes off Taylor once since they met.

“I know I'm five years late to say this but I'm sorry for leaving without a word,” Taylor said.

“You have nothing to be sorry for. I was there, remember? I probably would have done the same thing,” Kayla said in understanding.

“What about the five years of silence?” Taylor asked.

“I was Jordan's best friend. I must have reminded you of her every time you saw me. I'm surprised you didn't end up resenting me too.”

She spoke so lightly about the issue that Taylor felt guilty.

“How could I?” she asked.

“I took Jordan's side without ever asking what had happened,” Kayla answered.

Taylor shrugged it off, not sure she wanted to talk about that. “You were her best friend and you were loyal. I didn't expect anything less. You were a good friend to me too. I think that's why we're here. Now, if you don't mind, I would really love to know how you've been.”

Kayla lit up and asked, “First of all, do you have a picture of Angie?”

“Jordan must have told you about her.”

“She doesn't shut up about her. Every time it's Angie this, Angie that. I felt bad that I haven't met the little angel.”

Touched, Taylor scrolled through her phone and handed it over to Kayla to see Angie’s pictures. “Angie doesn't stop talking about her either. They seem to have grown very close,” Taylor said.

“Oh my goodness! She is so cute. She has your eyes, your nose, your lips, your hair. I don't see any hints of Henry in her.” She was saying it so excitedly that she didn't realize she might have said something that could offend Taylor. “I'm sorry, that was insensitive,” she quickly apologized.

“It’s fine,” Taylor said.

Kayla smiled. “Can I meet her?”

“Of course you can,” Taylor said and watched as Kayla continued to scroll through the photos. “Can I ask for a favor?” she asked.

Kayla stopped for a second.

“Can what we talk about stay between us?”

Kayla nodded, “Yes, of course.”

She needed to unload and Kayla had once been her best friend, so trusting someone for the first time in what felt like eternity, Taylor opened up about her marriage and told Kayla about how she'd met Henry and to the last detail about Angie's conception.

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