Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

“I need more projects, Gloria.”

“You already have three projects. You can’t handle more than that,” Gloria said.

“I need something to keep my mind occupied.”

I had been working myself to death for the past couple of weeks and it still wasn’t enough to keep me from thinking about Taylor. After I had left the hospital, it had been the last time we had seen or spoken to each other.

“Okay, here. Take care of that,” Gloria said, handing me an envelope.

“What is this?” I asked as I tore it open.

“Completion report. You need to sign it and then go to the address, take pictures and file it.”

“You’re giving me paper work?” I asked in frustration.

“You look completely exhausted, Jordan. This is all I can do. Besides, you were in charge of that project. You need to finish it,” Gloria said.

I went back to my office and tossed the envelope over my desk. I was going crazy. I felt like if I didn’t see Taylor soon, I would lose my mind. It was like she had been a drug to me and I was going through the withdrawal phase. I could have willingly cut my arm off if the physical pain would ease the emotional pain I was in.


“Do you remember when you said that you wanted to see the after shots of the penthouse once the interior design was complete?”

Tracy nodded.

“Great, I want you to hire a photographer, take him, her, whatever, down to the penthouse and then bring me those pictures,” I told her.

“Is this your way of trying to avoid seeing Taylor?” Tracy asked.

“Will you go if I say yes?”

Tracy shook her head. “But I could go with you,” she added.

“She made her choice and I’m okay with it. She doesn’t want to see me,” I said.

“It doesn’t matter what she said, Jordan. The truth remains that she loves you. If she’s with him, it’s purely out of obligation. The heart attack caused a scare, you have to understand that.”

“And you have to understand that I want to respect her choice,” I said.

“Fine, respect her choice, but be adult enough to do your freaking job. You’re going to have to see her sooner or later. Why don’t you let it be sooner rather than later?”

I wanted to punch her face in, but she was right.

“I miss Angie.”

“I’m sure she misses you too,” Tracy said.

How could she be so sympathetic and be an ass at the same time?

“No one else is best suited for this job more than you because it was your design, your ideas and your hands that did the work. You know exactly what to capture in those pictures,” she said.

Well, I had to hand it to her, she was right on that last part. I did know exactly what I’d have to capture in those frames, after all, I had done the job. “Okay, we’ll go tomorrow.” I decided, hoping I wouldn’t back out before morning came.


The firm had contacted the Langford's so they were aware that I was going over but it still didn't make me feel any less uneasy. Part of me wished no one would be around, but it was Saturday afternoon and I was certain that Taylor and Angie would be home, even if Henry wasn't.

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